Institution/Organization: Northwestern University - USA
Department: Lingusitics
Web Address:
Level: PhD
Specialty Areas: General Linguistics
In conjunction with our institutional partners, the Department of Linguistics
at Northwestern University invites applications for graduate fellowships in
linguistics and interdisciplinary research in language. All admitted students
receive a 5 year funding commitment (subject to satisfactory progress
towards the degree) including tuition, a 12-month stipend, and health
insurance. Students also have access to a variety of institutional resources for
supporting student research projects and professional travel.
Northwestern has a vibrant community of researchers actively working on a
wide variety of issues in language structure and processing, utilizing a
diverse range of methods and populations.
-Structure of linguistic systems within and across levels: Pragmatics,
Semantics, Syntax, Morphology, Phonology, Phonetics
-Perception, production and acquisition of first and second languages
-Dynamics of language: diachronic change; experience-related plasticity
-Language and music: Parallels and interactions
-Statistical modeling; probabilistic approaches to language structure and
-Formal/mathematical theories of linguistic systems
-Experimental studies of language; psycholinguistics
-Acoustic phonetics; prosody and intonation
-Machine learning and natural language processing; corpus analysis
-Functional and structural neuroimaging; electrophysiology
-Mono- and multilingual
-Infant, young adult and elderly
-Acquired and developmental disorders
For more information on graduate study, research, and the application process,
visit us online:
If you have questions please contact the admissions officer, Matt Goldrick (see
contact information below).
Application Deadline: 31-Dec-2009
Web Address for Applications:
Contact Information:
Matt Goldrick