Monday, October 19, 2009

Computational Linguistics: PhD Student, Stockholm University

Institution/Organization: Stockholm University
Department: Department of Linguistics
Web Address:

Level: PhD

Duties: Research

Specialty Areas: Computational Linguistics


The Department of Linguistics at Stockholm University invites applications for a
four-year studentship within its PhD programme in Computational Linguistics,
with start date January 1, 2010.

We would especially welcome thesis projects with a potential for
cross-fertilizing areas within the department and/or with partners in the Human
Language Technology Center in the Stockholm-Uppsala University Network
( For example, the thesis project might
involve one of the profile areas of the department, language typology (see or early language acquisition
in children. It might also relate to activities within the Userware Laboratory
at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS), such as data-oriented
models of semantics. Examples of other such cross-border areas are symbolic and
statistical methods for parsing and computational linguistics for
under-resourced languages.

The deadline for applications is October 29, 2009. Applications should be sent
by ordinary mail to Stockholms universitet, Registrator/PA, 106 91 Stockholm,
Sweden, and should include the following:

1. CV with information about earlier studies, jobs and publications;
2. a copy of written works that are referred to in the application;
3. contact information for two reference persons;
4. a sketch of up to 6,000 words describing a possible thesis project.

Please indicate the reference number SU 617-2168-09 on your application!
Further inquiries should be directed to Associate Professor Mats Wirén

General information

Applicants must have an undergraduate degree including at least an equivalent of
the Swedish “magister” programme in General Linguistics. This programme focuses
on linguistic theory and comprises four years of study including the writing of
two research papers. Applicants from all countries are welcome. Knowledge of
Swedish is not a formal requirement but students are strongly advised to acquire
a working knowledge of Swedish as soon as possible (language courses are offered
by the university). Additional details on the general admission requirements for
postgraduate studies at Stockholm University can be found at

During the period of the studentship, the student is a regular employee of the
University. The beginning salary is 21,600 SEK a month (approximately 2,100
Euros or 3,100 USD).

The first period of employment is for one year. The employment contract can then
be renewed for at most two years at a time, up to a total of four years, or, if
the student accepts teaching or administrative duties at the department (not
exceeding 20% of full time), maximally five years.

The Department of Linguistics at Stockholm University (
has about 60 employees, which makes it one of the larger departments at the
Faculty of Humanities. The department is organized into six sections, namely,
General Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Phonetics, Sign Language for the
Deaf, Swedish for the Deaf, and Modern Greek. The research at the Department of
Linguistics belongs to one of fifteen areas at Stockholm University which have
been graded as “leading research” in the sense of being nationally leading and
having a high international status (see
The department is a member of the Human Language Technology Center in the
Stockholm-Uppsala University Network (,
and participates in the Swedish National Graduate School of Language Technology

Application Deadline: 29-Oct-2009

Web Address for Applications:

Contact Information:
Professor Mats Wirén
October 5, 2009 • Tags: Computational Linguistics: PhD Student, Stockholm University • Posted in: Uncategorized • No Comments
Anthropological Linguistics, Language Documentation & South Caucasus Region: PhD Student, ARISC, USA

Institution/Organization: ARISC
Web Address:

Level: PhD

Specialty Areas: Anthropological Linguistics; General Linguistics; Language Documentation


The American Research Institute of the Southern Caucasus (ARISC) announces the
availability of US graduate fellowships in support of research in the South
Caucasus (Armenia, Georgia,and/or Azerbaijan). We anticipate making four to six
awards of a maximum of $1500 each. Projects in all fields in the social
sciences and humanities are eligible. Proposals will be judged on their quality
and on the potential of the research to strengthen scholarship on the Southern
Caucasus. The purpose of the fellowship is to help cover travel to and/or
living expenses in the Southern Caucasus. During his/her stay in the Southern
Caucasus, the fellow is expected to give an ARISC sponsored presentation on a
subject related to his/her research. The fellow will acknowledge ARISC in any
publication that emerges from the research carried during the fellowship.

Application requirements: Please send a complete application including the
application form, a project statement of not more than 3 pages, work schedule,
budget, curriculum vitae, and two letters of recommendation by November 20, 2009
to info “at” All information must be received by November 20, 2009 in
order for the applicant to be considered for the fellowship.

Please see
for the full description of the fellowship as well as the application form.

Application Deadline: 20-Nov-2009

Web Address for Applications:

Contact Information:
Talin Lindsay