Sunday, October 25, 2009
Master Scholarhsips: Erasmus Mundus Programme
Master Scholarhsips: Erasmus Mundus Programme
The Erasmus Mundus programme is a co-operation and mobility programme in the field of higher education which promotes the European Union (EU) as a centre of excellence in learning around the world. The Erasmus Mundus programme is financed by the European Commission (EC) – the executive body of the EU – and comprises four concrete actions. This webpage only focuses on “Action 2”, namely the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship scheme for third-country students and scholars coming to Europe
WHAT is the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship?
The Erasmus Mundus Scholarships are grants aimed at encouraging and enabling highly qualified graduate students from third countries to follow selected Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses in Europe for the duration of 1-2 years.
Funds are also available for scholars to carry out teaching or research assignments and scholarly work at the institutions participating in the Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses.
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships are exclusively reserved for Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses. In other words, it is not applicable for students and scholars who have been accepted by other master courses in Europe.
However, not all students who follow an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course will necessarily receive an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship. Each Erasmus Mundus Masters Consortium decides which students receive a scholarship.
WHO are eligible to participate?
* A national of a third country;
* Not a resident of any of the EU Member States;
* Has not carried out his or her main activity (studies, work, etc) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in any of the EU Member States;
* Has successfully accomplished an undergraduate degree. Persons having obtained a university degree of a higher academic level can also enroll in an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course, as long as the admission criteria for the particular course allows for this;
* Has been accepted to register or is registered in an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course (see below on “HOW can I apply?”).
* A national of a third country;
* Not a resident of any of the EU Member States;
* Has not carried out his or her main activity (studies, work, etc) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in any of the EU Member States;
* Has outstanding academic and/or professional experience;
* Scholars and professionals who lecture or conduct research.
WHAT does “third-country national” mean?
“Third-country nationals” are nationals coming from all countries other than:
* The 25 EU Member States (Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom);
* The EEA-EFTA states (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway);
* The candidate countries for accession to the EU (presently Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Turkey).
WHAT is an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course? WHAT is its added value?
* Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses are integrated study programmes at masters level (none for undergraduate and doctoral level) offered by Erasmus Mundus Masters Consortia;
* Students will carry out a period of study in at least two of the three participating institutions located in two different countries. In a minimum consortium of three partners (A, B, C), mobility combinations would normally be A+B, A+C, B+C or A+B+C; Scholars are not obliged, but should be invited to perform part of their scholarly work in a second institution within the consortium;
* Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses lead to the award of a recognised double, multiple or joint degree;
* An Erasmus Mundus Masters Course consists of 60 and up to 120 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) credits at masters level thus lasting from one to two academic years;
* The Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses cover an extremely wide range of academic disciplines: agricultural and forestry sciences, business studies and management sciences, communication and information sciences, education and teacher training, engineering and technology, humanities, law etc.
WHAT is an Erasmus Mundus Masters Consortium?
An Erasmus Mundus Masters Consortium is a group of at least three higher education institutions from three different European countries which has been selected by the EC to offer an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course.
HOW can I apply?
Students and scholars must apply for the Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses and Scholarships directly to the Erasmus Mundus Masters Consortium offering the particular course of interest. Applications cannot be submitted to the EC.
The specific requirements and admission criteria (e.g. study results, language skills etc) are defined by each Consortium and may vary from one consortium to another.
There are currently 80 Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses available. A list of these Masters Courses can be accessed from the following website:
It is recommended to check the website at regular intervals as new courses will be added.
Quick steps to apply for the Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses and Scholarships:
1. Visit to see the list of currently available Masters Courses;
2. Click the website address of the Consortium to obtain specific details of the Erasmus Mundus Masters Course you are interested in, such as course description, prerequisites, the application process, forms and deadlines.
HOW is the selection process conducted?
The Erasmus Mundus Masters Consortium will select the applicant students and scholars
on the basis of the CVs, study and academic merits, motivation,
recommendations, language skills, etc
The Consortium proposes a list of successful applicants
to the EC Headquarters in Brussels for final approval
The EC confirms this selection and assigns the grants
The Consortium will inform communicate to applicants if they have been accepted for the course and if they have been awarded a scholarship
(notification on acceptance for the course is normally in May)
HOW much is the Scholarship worth?
A student scholarship is awarded for the defined period of the Masters Course, up to a maximum duration of two years. The grant is € 21,000 per student for a one-year course (travel expenses, tuition fees, monthly stipends, accommodation, etc) or € 42,000 per student for a two-year course.
Stipends for scholars will cover a period of three months, namely € 13,000 per scholar (accommodation, monthly stipends, travel expenses, etc.).
Grants are paid to grantees directly through the Consortium.
WHEN is the deadline for applications?
Application deadlines for individual Masters Courses are different and set by the Consortium. They may vary from early December to late January. Please check individual Master Courses for further details.
An Erasmus Mundus Masters Course normally starts between August and November.
WHERE can I find more information?
Before contacting the EC, you are strongly advised to read the comprehensive list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) available at the following website (or click here for all the questions in pdf format):
It is very likely that you will find the answer to your question there.
To obtain information which are not available on the above-mentioned website, contact:
ADDITIONAL information:
* Figures on Erasmus Mundus students and scholars from Indonesia
* Erasmus Mundus Flyer
* Presentation of Erasmus Mundus: Power Point – PDF
* Recent Press Release: IP/06/789 – PI13–06EN – PI13–06ID
* Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (EMMC) Compendium – June 2006:
o List of EMMC by group of disciplines
o List of EMMC by alphabetical order
o List Higher Education Institutions participating in EMMC by country
o Description of each EMMC
* Testimonies of students, scholars and alumni
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Through its program of Diversity Fellowships, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, to maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and to increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.
Eligibility to apply for a Ford fellowship is limited to:
All citizens or nationals of the United States regardless of race, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation,
Individuals with evidence of superior academic achievement (such as grade point average, class rank, honors or other designations),
Individuals committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level.
For information regarding level-specific eligibility requirements, stipends, and other program information for each of the three levels of the Fellowship program, please access the fact sheet for the program level of your interest, predoctoral, dissertation or postdoctoral.
Monday, October 19, 2009
10 BEASISWA S2 Magister Manajemen di PPM SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT - Indonesia
Yth. Bapak/Ibu,
Kami mohon bantuannya untuk menyebarkan info kompetisi The future Leaders ke 2
memperebutkan 10 beasiswa S2 dari PPM School of Management, sehingga kesempatan
ini bisa digunakan sebaik mungkin untuk mereka yang membutuhkan.
Terimakasih atas kebaikan Bapak/Ibu.
Panitia TFL-2
Maria Nainggolan
PPM School of Management kembali menyelenggarakan "The Future Leaders seri 2",
sebuah program pencarian talent untuk menjadi pemimpin masa depan di bidang
manajemen bisnis di Indonesia .
TFL 2 merupakan suatu kompetisi untuk memperebutkan 10 beasiswa Prof. Dr. A.M.
Kadarman untuk mengikuti program MM Reguler Wijawiyata Manajemen di PPM School
of Management.
Melalui program ini, PPM School of Management hendak mewujudkan pembangunan
bangsa melalui lebih banyak anak-anak Indonesia yang dapat menikmati pendidikan
yang lebih baik.
A. Persyaratan Peserta:
1.Lulus S1 dari perguruan tinggi di seluruh Indonesia.
2.IPK minimal 3.00 dari skala 4,00.
3.Usia maksimal 26 tahun
4.Memenuhi persyaratan administrasi:
a Melengkapi formulir data calon peserta (download :
a Menyertakan dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan sebagai data pendukung
a Copy ijasah dan transkrip yang telah dilegalisir, atau surat keterangan lulus
dan transkrip terakhir bagi yang belum diwisuda.
a Copy dokumen-dokumen penunjukkan sebagai pengurus atau anggota dari suatu
organisasi atau kepanitiaan,
a Copy dokumen-dokumen penghargaan atas prestasi tertentu,
a Dokumen hasil test bahasa Inggris atau setara TOEFL 450
a Foto seluruh badan ukuran postcard
a Menyertakan surat rekomendasi dari Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi atau Dosen
Pembimbing dengan menggunakan format yang sudah ditentukan (download :
a Menyerahkan karangan ringkas, (1 ½ spasi, dua halaman A4) , dengan mengacu
pada kelima pertanyaan berikut.
Pilih satu situasi yang baru terjadi dimana Anda berperan sebagai pemimpin.
Gambarkan situasi tersebut secara ringkas dan jelas, gambarkan peran
kepemimpinan Anda pada situasi tersebut, dan jelaskan bagaimana efektivitas
kepemimpinan Anda serta perubahan apa yang terjadi pada masa itu atau
Ceritakan tiga prestasi sangat penting yang telah Anda capai dalam hidup dan
jelaskan mengapa Anda melihat prestasi tersebut sebagai sesuatu yang sangat
Gambarkan satu kekecewaan atau kegagalan yang pernah Anda alami. Bagaimana Anda
menangani situasi tersebut dan apa yang dapat Anda pelajari darinya?
Apa yang menjadi rencana karir Anda di masa depan dan mengapa demikian?
Apakah ada informasi lainnya yang menurut Anda akan bermanfaat bagi Panitia "The
Future Leaders 2" dalam mengenal dan mempertimbangkan Anda untuk menjadi salah
satu peserta PPM "The Future Leader"?
B. Tahapan Seleksi
Tahap 1.
Calon peserta diminta mengirimkan seluruh persyaratan pada butir A1 (persyaratan
peserta) ke alamat berikut: (amplop tertutup)
Panitia "The Future Leaders 2"
PPM School of Management
Jl. Menteng Raya No. 9
Jakarta 10340
Berkas pendaftaran harus sudah diterima panitia paling lambat tanggal 30 Oktober
2009 (cap pos).
Tahap 2.
~ Peserta yang lolos seleksi I administrasi akan diumumkan di website PPM (link
website) pada tanggal 9 November 2009, pk 16.00 wib. Peserta yang lolos akan
diminta mendownload 3 lampiran (1) surat konfirmasi, (2) term and condition, dan
(3) soal kasus manajemen untuk penyeleksian masuk ke 30 besar.
~ Peserta diminta mengirimkan kembali ke 3 lampiran tersebut sesuai dengan
petunjuk yang diminta melalui email paling lambat tanggal 11 November 2009, pk
16.00 wib.
Tahap 3.
Panitia akan mengumumkan 30 finalis yang ikut kedalam kompetisi The Future
Leaders 2 pada tanggal 16 November 2009, pk 16.00 wib melalui website PPM
Ke -30 peserta yang lolos akan dikirimkan surat panggilan untuk mengikuti
Program "The Future Leaders 2".
Tahap 4.
Finalis 30 orang akan diundang untuk mengikuti kompetisi TFL 2 di Jakarta
selama satu minggu 7 – 12 Desember 2009. Panitia menangung biaya transportasi
dan akomodasi untuk peserta dari luar jabodetabek.
Informasi lengkap seputar pelaksanaan kompetisi akan diumumkan terpisah pada
tanggal 9 November 2009.
Berdasarkan kompetisi ini panitia akan menyaring dari 30 Finalis menjadi 10
penerima beasiswa Prof. Dr. AM. Kadarman dari PPM School of Management.
Contact Us.
email :
Phone : (021) 2302025; 2300-313 ext 1104
Daftarkan diri anda segera!
Kami mohon bantuannya untuk menyebarkan info kompetisi The future Leaders ke 2
memperebutkan 10 beasiswa S2 dari PPM School of Management, sehingga kesempatan
ini bisa digunakan sebaik mungkin untuk mereka yang membutuhkan.
Terimakasih atas kebaikan Bapak/Ibu.
Panitia TFL-2
Maria Nainggolan
PPM School of Management kembali menyelenggarakan "The Future Leaders seri 2",
sebuah program pencarian talent untuk menjadi pemimpin masa depan di bidang
manajemen bisnis di Indonesia .
TFL 2 merupakan suatu kompetisi untuk memperebutkan 10 beasiswa Prof. Dr. A.M.
Kadarman untuk mengikuti program MM Reguler Wijawiyata Manajemen di PPM School
of Management.
Melalui program ini, PPM School of Management hendak mewujudkan pembangunan
bangsa melalui lebih banyak anak-anak Indonesia yang dapat menikmati pendidikan
yang lebih baik.
A. Persyaratan Peserta:
1.Lulus S1 dari perguruan tinggi di seluruh Indonesia.
2.IPK minimal 3.00 dari skala 4,00.
3.Usia maksimal 26 tahun
4.Memenuhi persyaratan administrasi:
a Melengkapi formulir data calon peserta (download :
a Menyertakan dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan sebagai data pendukung
a Copy ijasah dan transkrip yang telah dilegalisir, atau surat keterangan lulus
dan transkrip terakhir bagi yang belum diwisuda.
a Copy dokumen-dokumen penunjukkan sebagai pengurus atau anggota dari suatu
organisasi atau kepanitiaan,
a Copy dokumen-dokumen penghargaan atas prestasi tertentu,
a Dokumen hasil test bahasa Inggris atau setara TOEFL 450
a Foto seluruh badan ukuran postcard
a Menyertakan surat rekomendasi dari Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi atau Dosen
Pembimbing dengan menggunakan format yang sudah ditentukan (download :
a Menyerahkan karangan ringkas, (1 ½ spasi, dua halaman A4) , dengan mengacu
pada kelima pertanyaan berikut.
Pilih satu situasi yang baru terjadi dimana Anda berperan sebagai pemimpin.
Gambarkan situasi tersebut secara ringkas dan jelas, gambarkan peran
kepemimpinan Anda pada situasi tersebut, dan jelaskan bagaimana efektivitas
kepemimpinan Anda serta perubahan apa yang terjadi pada masa itu atau
Ceritakan tiga prestasi sangat penting yang telah Anda capai dalam hidup dan
jelaskan mengapa Anda melihat prestasi tersebut sebagai sesuatu yang sangat
Gambarkan satu kekecewaan atau kegagalan yang pernah Anda alami. Bagaimana Anda
menangani situasi tersebut dan apa yang dapat Anda pelajari darinya?
Apa yang menjadi rencana karir Anda di masa depan dan mengapa demikian?
Apakah ada informasi lainnya yang menurut Anda akan bermanfaat bagi Panitia "The
Future Leaders 2" dalam mengenal dan mempertimbangkan Anda untuk menjadi salah
satu peserta PPM "The Future Leader"?
B. Tahapan Seleksi
Tahap 1.
Calon peserta diminta mengirimkan seluruh persyaratan pada butir A1 (persyaratan
peserta) ke alamat berikut: (amplop tertutup)
Panitia "The Future Leaders 2"
PPM School of Management
Jl. Menteng Raya No. 9
Jakarta 10340
Berkas pendaftaran harus sudah diterima panitia paling lambat tanggal 30 Oktober
2009 (cap pos).
Tahap 2.
~ Peserta yang lolos seleksi I administrasi akan diumumkan di website PPM (link
website) pada tanggal 9 November 2009, pk 16.00 wib. Peserta yang lolos akan
diminta mendownload 3 lampiran (1) surat konfirmasi, (2) term and condition, dan
(3) soal kasus manajemen untuk penyeleksian masuk ke 30 besar.
~ Peserta diminta mengirimkan kembali ke 3 lampiran tersebut sesuai dengan
petunjuk yang diminta melalui email paling lambat tanggal 11 November 2009, pk
16.00 wib.
Tahap 3.
Panitia akan mengumumkan 30 finalis yang ikut kedalam kompetisi The Future
Leaders 2 pada tanggal 16 November 2009, pk 16.00 wib melalui website PPM
Ke -30 peserta yang lolos akan dikirimkan surat panggilan untuk mengikuti
Program "The Future Leaders 2".
Tahap 4.
Finalis 30 orang akan diundang untuk mengikuti kompetisi TFL 2 di Jakarta
selama satu minggu 7 – 12 Desember 2009. Panitia menangung biaya transportasi
dan akomodasi untuk peserta dari luar jabodetabek.
Informasi lengkap seputar pelaksanaan kompetisi akan diumumkan terpisah pada
tanggal 9 November 2009.
Berdasarkan kompetisi ini panitia akan menyaring dari 30 Finalis menjadi 10
penerima beasiswa Prof. Dr. AM. Kadarman dari PPM School of Management.
Contact Us.
email :
Phone : (021) 2302025; 2300-313 ext 1104
Daftarkan diri anda segera!
Fully funded Research Scholarships, Univ. of Leeds, UK
Fully-Funded International Research Scholarships (FIRS)
Session 2010-2011
Closing Date: 29 January 2010
Fully funded University International Research Scholarships are available for high quality international students who will be commencing PhD research study in Session 2010-2011 for study in any Faculty at the University of Leeds.
• Applicants MUST first submit a research degree study application form and be in receipt of a University BANNER ID Number to be eligible for a Fully-Funded International Research Scholarship. Applications without a valid University ID Number will be rejected. To apply for a place on a research degree programme, please visit:
• These awards are only available to applicants who would be liable to pay academic fees at the full international fee rate;
• Applicants must hold a First Degree at undergraduate level equivalent to at least a UK First Class Honours degree. Applicants should either have graduated with the appropriate First Degree or be in their final year of study;
• Applicants whose first language is not English must meet the University’s English Language requirements. Some Schools require a standard of English higher than the University minimum;
• These awards are not open to individuals who have already been awarded a Doctoral degree or equivalent qualification.
These include the following (full information on the regulations will be sent to all successful applicants):
• Awards must be taken up on 1 October 2010;
• The awards are available for new research students undertaking full-time study leading to the degree of PhD. Students who are already registered for PhD research study are excluded from this competition;
• The award will cover full international fees and a maintenance grant of £13,570 per annum. There are no additional allowances for travel or research costs;
• The award will be made for one year in the first instance and renewable for a further period of up to two years, subject to satisfactory academic progress;
• Applicants must live within a reasonable distance of the University of Leeds whilst in receipt of this Scholarship.
• Applicants must complete all sections of the University Postgraduate Research Scholarship Application Form, using the space provided on the form and with strict observation of any word limits. Attachments are not permitted and all will be disregarded.
• The completed form should be returned to the Postgraduate Scholarships Office, Marjorie & Arnold Ziff Building, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT by no later than 29 January 2010 or by email to
Applications are logged by the Postgraduate Scholarships Office and passed on to the relevant Schools for initial consideration. After a School selection process, recommendations for award are then made at Faculty level and final approval given by the University Scholarships Group. Applicants can expect to be notified of the outcome of their application by the end of March 2010. The University will publish the names of the successful applicants within the University and externally on the University website.
Further info:
Session 2010-2011
Closing Date: 29 January 2010
Fully funded University International Research Scholarships are available for high quality international students who will be commencing PhD research study in Session 2010-2011 for study in any Faculty at the University of Leeds.
• Applicants MUST first submit a research degree study application form and be in receipt of a University BANNER ID Number to be eligible for a Fully-Funded International Research Scholarship. Applications without a valid University ID Number will be rejected. To apply for a place on a research degree programme, please visit:
• These awards are only available to applicants who would be liable to pay academic fees at the full international fee rate;
• Applicants must hold a First Degree at undergraduate level equivalent to at least a UK First Class Honours degree. Applicants should either have graduated with the appropriate First Degree or be in their final year of study;
• Applicants whose first language is not English must meet the University’s English Language requirements. Some Schools require a standard of English higher than the University minimum;
• These awards are not open to individuals who have already been awarded a Doctoral degree or equivalent qualification.
These include the following (full information on the regulations will be sent to all successful applicants):
• Awards must be taken up on 1 October 2010;
• The awards are available for new research students undertaking full-time study leading to the degree of PhD. Students who are already registered for PhD research study are excluded from this competition;
• The award will cover full international fees and a maintenance grant of £13,570 per annum. There are no additional allowances for travel or research costs;
• The award will be made for one year in the first instance and renewable for a further period of up to two years, subject to satisfactory academic progress;
• Applicants must live within a reasonable distance of the University of Leeds whilst in receipt of this Scholarship.
• Applicants must complete all sections of the University Postgraduate Research Scholarship Application Form, using the space provided on the form and with strict observation of any word limits. Attachments are not permitted and all will be disregarded.
• The completed form should be returned to the Postgraduate Scholarships Office, Marjorie & Arnold Ziff Building, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT by no later than 29 January 2010 or by email to
Applications are logged by the Postgraduate Scholarships Office and passed on to the relevant Schools for initial consideration. After a School selection process, recommendations for award are then made at Faculty level and final approval given by the University Scholarships Group. Applicants can expect to be notified of the outcome of their application by the end of March 2010. The University will publish the names of the successful applicants within the University and externally on the University website.
Further info:
2 PhD students in the EU project DESTECS - University of Twente
The University of Twente is an entrepreneurial research university, located about 200 km from Amsterdam in Enschede, a city in Twente, the garden of the Netherlands with excellent recreation facilities. Organized over 5 faculties, the UT offers 20 educational programs ranging from applied physics, public and business administration, communication studies and diverse programs in engineering technology. Research takes place within the context of institutes and focuses, among other things, on nanotechnology, information and communication technology (CTIT), biomedical technology, policy studies, construction management & engineering, and mechanics. More than 7,000 students and 2,700 staff members live, work and recreate at the UT, the Netherlands’ only campus university with a park-like atmosphere and numerous sporting facilities.
Research institutes
The research will be carried out in the Control Engineering (CE) laboratory of the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EWI), which is embedded among others in the Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT).
The Control Engineering group of the
University of Twente has a vacancy for
2 PhD students in the EU project DESTECS
The efficient design of embedded control systems (i.e. mechatronics / robotics software) is hampered by the separation of engineering disciplines in current state of the art development approaches. A methodology to address system-level design issues across discipline boundaries is lacking and tool support is poor. This “design gap” inhibits iterative and concurrent engineering, leading to sub-optimal designs and long development lead times. Moreover, the design gap is widening because of increasing system complexity and increasing capabilities of the system artifacts used.
About the project
DESTECS is inspired by the vision of collaborative multidisciplinary design of embedded systems using a methodology and tools that promote rapid construction and evaluation of system models, with both methods and tools validated against real industry need and evaluated on industrial applications.
DESTECS will research and develop methods and open tools that support the collaborative design of dependable real-time embedded control systems using a model-based approach. This means that engineers can perform design evaluation and analysis using co-simulation of models expressed in different tools that reflect in a natural way the relevant aspects of the design but which can be analysed consistently and rapidly together. This requires advances in continuous time modelling, formal discrete event modelling of controllers and architectures, fault modelling and tolerance, and open tools frameworks. Bringing these together in methods and tools has the potential to substantially improve the cost-effectiveness of model-based design.
The two Ph.D. candidates at the Control Laboratory within the DESTECS project will be responsible for:
To research and develop methods that support the collaborative modelling and analysis by co-simulation of candidate designs for dependable embedded control systems; and to deliver guidelines, templates and tool prototypes for using co-simulation as a means for exploring candidate designs during development.
To research and develop methods that provide structuring mechanisms for models such that co-simulation, re-use of sub-models and concurrent design of models can be supported; and to deliver guidelines, techniques and tool prototypes for model code versioning control.
What we ask
An MSc or comparable degree in electrical / computer engineering or computer science with demonstrated abilities in the fields of research described above: model structuring, (co)-simulation and tool design, with application area robotics / mechatronics. Good control of the English language in written and spoken form. Ability to perform research individually and also work in an international team.
What we offer
Gross monthly salary for the PhD position range from € 2042 to € 2812. In addition to this, we offer a holiday allowance (amounts to 8%), an end-of-year bonus (amounts to 8,3%), various sporting and cultural facilities at reduced rate, medical insurance at a reduced rate.
Contact information
Applications should be received by us, not later than 25 October 2009.
Please send your applications to:, and mention the vacancy number 09/199 of this vacancy.
Research institutes
The research will be carried out in the Control Engineering (CE) laboratory of the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EWI), which is embedded among others in the Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT).
The Control Engineering group of the
University of Twente has a vacancy for
2 PhD students in the EU project DESTECS
The efficient design of embedded control systems (i.e. mechatronics / robotics software) is hampered by the separation of engineering disciplines in current state of the art development approaches. A methodology to address system-level design issues across discipline boundaries is lacking and tool support is poor. This “design gap” inhibits iterative and concurrent engineering, leading to sub-optimal designs and long development lead times. Moreover, the design gap is widening because of increasing system complexity and increasing capabilities of the system artifacts used.
About the project
DESTECS is inspired by the vision of collaborative multidisciplinary design of embedded systems using a methodology and tools that promote rapid construction and evaluation of system models, with both methods and tools validated against real industry need and evaluated on industrial applications.
DESTECS will research and develop methods and open tools that support the collaborative design of dependable real-time embedded control systems using a model-based approach. This means that engineers can perform design evaluation and analysis using co-simulation of models expressed in different tools that reflect in a natural way the relevant aspects of the design but which can be analysed consistently and rapidly together. This requires advances in continuous time modelling, formal discrete event modelling of controllers and architectures, fault modelling and tolerance, and open tools frameworks. Bringing these together in methods and tools has the potential to substantially improve the cost-effectiveness of model-based design.
The two Ph.D. candidates at the Control Laboratory within the DESTECS project will be responsible for:
To research and develop methods that support the collaborative modelling and analysis by co-simulation of candidate designs for dependable embedded control systems; and to deliver guidelines, templates and tool prototypes for using co-simulation as a means for exploring candidate designs during development.
To research and develop methods that provide structuring mechanisms for models such that co-simulation, re-use of sub-models and concurrent design of models can be supported; and to deliver guidelines, techniques and tool prototypes for model code versioning control.
What we ask
An MSc or comparable degree in electrical / computer engineering or computer science with demonstrated abilities in the fields of research described above: model structuring, (co)-simulation and tool design, with application area robotics / mechatronics. Good control of the English language in written and spoken form. Ability to perform research individually and also work in an international team.
What we offer
Gross monthly salary for the PhD position range from € 2042 to € 2812. In addition to this, we offer a holiday allowance (amounts to 8%), an end-of-year bonus (amounts to 8,3%), various sporting and cultural facilities at reduced rate, medical insurance at a reduced rate.
Contact information
Applications should be received by us, not later than 25 October 2009.
Please send your applications to:, and mention the vacancy number 09/199 of this vacancy.
ITRI Graduate Scholarship Program (PhD) for Spring 2010
If you are looking for the best development opportunity for yourself in the exciting technology frontier, this is the program to make your dream come true. The ITRI Graduate Scholarship Program offers foreign MS degree holders a comprehensive 4-year scholarship to pursue their Ph.D. in Taiwan, while joining collaborative research projects between Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) and two outstanding science and technology universities, National Chiao-Tung University (NCTU) and National Tsing-Hua University (NTHU).
Applications are currently being accepted for admission in Spring 2010. Interested students should apply directly to either National Chiao Tung University or National Tsing Hua University. University will take responsibility for student’s application, evaluation and related matters. In your application letter, please specify your interest in the ITRI Outstanding International Graduate Scholarship Program. Application deadlines are in October.
Why Join this Program?
* Pursue your doctoral degree at either NCTU or NTHU, two world-class science and engineering universities.
* Participate in the grand challenge research programs at ITRI, most prominently in interdisciplinary areas.
* Work and learn with some of the most outstanding researchers in the world.
* Connect with the top-notch high-tech companies and R&D institutes in Taiwan for employment opportunities.
What does this Program Offer?
* Monthly scholarship of NT$30,000(~US$900).
* Tuition waiver contingent on academic performance.
* Additional research stipend when participating in dissertation research projects at ITRI.
* Employment opportunity at ITRI after graduation.
This program extends the scholarship and tuition offer to eligible students up to 4 years depending on annual review of academic performance.
Students failing to meet academic standards as required by partner universities will lose eligibility for this offer.
Focus Areas of this Program
* Information and Communication Technologies
* Optoelectronics and Photonics.
* Material and Chemical Engineering
Eligibility for Application
* Proof of foreign citizenship
* Proof of a Master’s degree or equivalent
* Must meet all criteria for admission as established by partner university (NCTU or NTHU)
Application Procedure
Applications are currently being accepted for admission in Spring 2010. Interested students should apply directly to either National Chiao Tung University or National Tsing Hua University. University will take responsibility for student’s application, evaluation and related matters. In your application letter, please specify your interest in the ITRI Outstanding International Graduate Scholarship Program. Application deadlines are in October, as established by each university.
Applications are currently being accepted for admission in Spring 2010. Interested students should apply directly to either National Chiao Tung University or National Tsing Hua University. University will take responsibility for student’s application, evaluation and related matters. In your application letter, please specify your interest in the ITRI Outstanding International Graduate Scholarship Program. Application deadlines are in October.
Why Join this Program?
* Pursue your doctoral degree at either NCTU or NTHU, two world-class science and engineering universities.
* Participate in the grand challenge research programs at ITRI, most prominently in interdisciplinary areas.
* Work and learn with some of the most outstanding researchers in the world.
* Connect with the top-notch high-tech companies and R&D institutes in Taiwan for employment opportunities.
What does this Program Offer?
* Monthly scholarship of NT$30,000(~US$900).
* Tuition waiver contingent on academic performance.
* Additional research stipend when participating in dissertation research projects at ITRI.
* Employment opportunity at ITRI after graduation.
This program extends the scholarship and tuition offer to eligible students up to 4 years depending on annual review of academic performance.
Students failing to meet academic standards as required by partner universities will lose eligibility for this offer.
Focus Areas of this Program
* Information and Communication Technologies
* Optoelectronics and Photonics.
* Material and Chemical Engineering
Eligibility for Application
* Proof of foreign citizenship
* Proof of a Master’s degree or equivalent
* Must meet all criteria for admission as established by partner university (NCTU or NTHU)
Application Procedure
Applications are currently being accepted for admission in Spring 2010. Interested students should apply directly to either National Chiao Tung University or National Tsing Hua University. University will take responsibility for student’s application, evaluation and related matters. In your application letter, please specify your interest in the ITRI Outstanding International Graduate Scholarship Program. Application deadlines are in October, as established by each university.
Master Scholarships in Computational Linguistics at the University of Zadar
We invite all enthusiastic and motivated B.A. graduates with a strong interest in linguistics, and all its theoretical, psychological, sociological, empirical, and computational aspects to enroll in the new M.A. Program in Linguistics.
Duration and contents: The program lasts four semesters (= 2 years) and comprises four obligatory core courses. Students choose from a large number of elective courses according to their personal interests and specialization area, including for example: theoretical, empirical, and computational linguistics, phonetics, phonology, psycholinguistics, and second language acquisition research.
The MA program complements the classical linguistic education with experimental and empirical research methods. It offers a strong computer and technology orientation, and thus practical and hands-on experience in modern linguistic research domains.
Creative thinking and advancement of teamwork are essential values conveyed throughout the program, accompanied by individual and intensive tutoring involving current research issues.
Acquired skills and knowledge:
The program imparts solid knowledge of linguistic theories and research methods, including:
* collection and processing of data
* statistical analysis of data
* experimental design
* computational modeling
* theoretical research and theory construction
* language technologies
To complete the M.A. program, students must collect a minimum of 120 ECTS points (30 points are granted for the M.A. thesis). The M.A. program is completed with a defense of the M.A. thesis.
After completing the single major M.A. program in linguistics at the University of Zadar, the academic title magister linguisticae is granted.
The requirements for enrollment are:
* Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in a related field of study acquired in the Republic of Croatia, or abroad, including: languages, information and library science, psychology, sociology, computer science, and many other areas (an additional differential exam might be required)
* Proficiency in English
The admission procedure requires the submission of a written letter of motivation and an interview with the faculty of the Linguistics department.
Enrollment for the entrance exam is scheduled for 5th-9th of October 2009 at the University of Zadar. For detailed information on enrollment see the University web pages:
The linguistics program will enroll up to 30 students with full subvention from the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia.
Application Deadline: 06-Oct-2009
Application Mailing Address:
Dr. Malgorzata E. Cavar
Obala kralja Petra Kresimira IV. 2
Zadar 23000
Contact Information:
Dr. Malgorzata E. Cavar
Duration and contents: The program lasts four semesters (= 2 years) and comprises four obligatory core courses. Students choose from a large number of elective courses according to their personal interests and specialization area, including for example: theoretical, empirical, and computational linguistics, phonetics, phonology, psycholinguistics, and second language acquisition research.
The MA program complements the classical linguistic education with experimental and empirical research methods. It offers a strong computer and technology orientation, and thus practical and hands-on experience in modern linguistic research domains.
Creative thinking and advancement of teamwork are essential values conveyed throughout the program, accompanied by individual and intensive tutoring involving current research issues.
Acquired skills and knowledge:
The program imparts solid knowledge of linguistic theories and research methods, including:
* collection and processing of data
* statistical analysis of data
* experimental design
* computational modeling
* theoretical research and theory construction
* language technologies
To complete the M.A. program, students must collect a minimum of 120 ECTS points (30 points are granted for the M.A. thesis). The M.A. program is completed with a defense of the M.A. thesis.
After completing the single major M.A. program in linguistics at the University of Zadar, the academic title magister linguisticae is granted.
The requirements for enrollment are:
* Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in a related field of study acquired in the Republic of Croatia, or abroad, including: languages, information and library science, psychology, sociology, computer science, and many other areas (an additional differential exam might be required)
* Proficiency in English
The admission procedure requires the submission of a written letter of motivation and an interview with the faculty of the Linguistics department.
Enrollment for the entrance exam is scheduled for 5th-9th of October 2009 at the University of Zadar. For detailed information on enrollment see the University web pages:
The linguistics program will enroll up to 30 students with full subvention from the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia.
Application Deadline: 06-Oct-2009
Application Mailing Address:
Dr. Malgorzata E. Cavar
Obala kralja Petra Kresimira IV. 2
Zadar 23000
Contact Information:
Dr. Malgorzata E. Cavar
Master, PhD, Postdoc Open Positions on Mechanistic aspects and spatial effects in cell signalling
Mechanistic aspects and spatial effects in cell signalling, within TEAM Programme sponsored by Foundation for Polish Science.
Concepts and objectives
The leading aim of the project is to identify and study the turning points in molecular pathways of immune response and cancer, in which the single cell fate, understood as a choice between apoptosis, senescence, proliferation, differentiation or cell cycle arrest, is decided. As a model molecular pathways we will consider these related to innate and adaptive immune response and cancer, in which we have expertise. The project will be realized both by means of numerical simulations and theoretical analysis.
We have the open positions for undergraduate students (with the third year finished), PhD students and postdoctoral researchers
The following topics will be financed:
For MSc (undegraduate, after third year) students:
1. Stochastic gene expression: numerical simulations and mathematical analysis.
2. Stochastic numerical simulations of complex regulatory pathways: development of new simulation tools.
3. Evolution and co-evolution of genes (and their regulatory regions) related to p53 and NF-kappaB pathways: From yeast to human.
4. Mutations of p53 pathways genes in various types of cancer.
For PhD students:
1. Calcium signalling, calcium travelling waves, spatial organization of kinase cascades, stochastic and deterministic reaction-diffusion equations.
2. Mathematical aspects of regulatory pathways: Markov processes, bifurcation theory for stochastic systems.
3. Integration of signalling pathways of transcription factors: NF-kappaB, p53 and IRF3/IRF7.
For postdoctoral researchers:
1. Formation and signalling in nanoclusters and receptor complexes, B-cell receptor signalling.
2. DNA regulation and dynamics (formation of cruciforms, Z-DNA and other noncanonical DNA) in the context of gene expression.
Stipends/salaries (netto)
* For MSc students – 1000 PLN/month
* For PhD students – about 3000 PLN/month
* For postdoctoral researchers – about 7000 PLN/month
Criteria for the candidates selection
(1) Scientific achievements of the candidate (30 points)
(2) Evaluation of the candidate (15 points)
* for MSc candidates: average of the marks obtained during the studies
* for PhD candidates: average of the marks obtained during the MSc studies, the mark of the final exam, the mark of MSc thesis
* for postdoc candidate: average of the marks obtained during the PhD studies, the mark of the final exam, the mark of PhD thesis
(3) Experience in scientific activity (20 points)
(4) Scientific stipends and stays at foreign scientific institutions (20 points)
(5) Presentations at conferences and workshops (15 points)
The PhD candidates should have background in
* computational biology and/or
* applied mathematics and/or
* physics
The candidate for the postdoc position should have experience in systems biology, computer methods and have good background in applied mathematics.
Persons interested in applying for the positions should contact Dr. T. Lipniacki ( and present by October 16, 2009, covering letter, scientific CV (including list of publications, conferences, stays at scientific institutions, etc.) and all the necessary documents concerning criterion (2). Please e-mail covering letter and CV to and send the documents to
Dr. Tomasz Lipniacki,
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Pawinskiego 5B, 02-106 Warsaw, Poland
The final stage of the selection will be the qualification interview in English (held between October 19-23, 2009). PhD position holders will be enrolled for the doctoral studies in the Institute of the Fundamental Technological Research.
For inquieries, please contact Dr. Tomasz Lipniacki (
Team members:
* Tomasz Lipniacki – principal investigator (Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, PAS, Warsaw, Poland)
* Bogdan Kazmierczak (Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, PAS, Warsaw, Poland)
* Aleksandra Nowicka (Institute of Theoretical Physics, PAS, Warsaw, Poland).
External collaborators:
* Prof. Mark Alber (Notre Dame University, US),
* Prof. Allan R. Brasier (UTMB Galveston, TX, US),
* Assoc. Prof. James R. Faeder (University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, US),
* Assoc. Prof. William S. Hlavacek (Los Alamos National Laboratories, US),
* Prof. Marek Kimmel (Rice University and MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, US),
* Prof. Vitaly Volpert (Universite Claude Bernard – Lyon 1, France),
* Prof. Michael R.H. White (Liverpool University, UK).
Concepts and objectives
The leading aim of the project is to identify and study the turning points in molecular pathways of immune response and cancer, in which the single cell fate, understood as a choice between apoptosis, senescence, proliferation, differentiation or cell cycle arrest, is decided. As a model molecular pathways we will consider these related to innate and adaptive immune response and cancer, in which we have expertise. The project will be realized both by means of numerical simulations and theoretical analysis.
We have the open positions for undergraduate students (with the third year finished), PhD students and postdoctoral researchers
The following topics will be financed:
For MSc (undegraduate, after third year) students:
1. Stochastic gene expression: numerical simulations and mathematical analysis.
2. Stochastic numerical simulations of complex regulatory pathways: development of new simulation tools.
3. Evolution and co-evolution of genes (and their regulatory regions) related to p53 and NF-kappaB pathways: From yeast to human.
4. Mutations of p53 pathways genes in various types of cancer.
For PhD students:
1. Calcium signalling, calcium travelling waves, spatial organization of kinase cascades, stochastic and deterministic reaction-diffusion equations.
2. Mathematical aspects of regulatory pathways: Markov processes, bifurcation theory for stochastic systems.
3. Integration of signalling pathways of transcription factors: NF-kappaB, p53 and IRF3/IRF7.
For postdoctoral researchers:
1. Formation and signalling in nanoclusters and receptor complexes, B-cell receptor signalling.
2. DNA regulation and dynamics (formation of cruciforms, Z-DNA and other noncanonical DNA) in the context of gene expression.
Stipends/salaries (netto)
* For MSc students – 1000 PLN/month
* For PhD students – about 3000 PLN/month
* For postdoctoral researchers – about 7000 PLN/month
Criteria for the candidates selection
(1) Scientific achievements of the candidate (30 points)
(2) Evaluation of the candidate (15 points)
* for MSc candidates: average of the marks obtained during the studies
* for PhD candidates: average of the marks obtained during the MSc studies, the mark of the final exam, the mark of MSc thesis
* for postdoc candidate: average of the marks obtained during the PhD studies, the mark of the final exam, the mark of PhD thesis
(3) Experience in scientific activity (20 points)
(4) Scientific stipends and stays at foreign scientific institutions (20 points)
(5) Presentations at conferences and workshops (15 points)
The PhD candidates should have background in
* computational biology and/or
* applied mathematics and/or
* physics
The candidate for the postdoc position should have experience in systems biology, computer methods and have good background in applied mathematics.
Persons interested in applying for the positions should contact Dr. T. Lipniacki ( and present by October 16, 2009, covering letter, scientific CV (including list of publications, conferences, stays at scientific institutions, etc.) and all the necessary documents concerning criterion (2). Please e-mail covering letter and CV to and send the documents to
Dr. Tomasz Lipniacki,
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Pawinskiego 5B, 02-106 Warsaw, Poland
The final stage of the selection will be the qualification interview in English (held between October 19-23, 2009). PhD position holders will be enrolled for the doctoral studies in the Institute of the Fundamental Technological Research.
For inquieries, please contact Dr. Tomasz Lipniacki (
Team members:
* Tomasz Lipniacki – principal investigator (Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, PAS, Warsaw, Poland)
* Bogdan Kazmierczak (Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, PAS, Warsaw, Poland)
* Aleksandra Nowicka (Institute of Theoretical Physics, PAS, Warsaw, Poland).
External collaborators:
* Prof. Mark Alber (Notre Dame University, US),
* Prof. Allan R. Brasier (UTMB Galveston, TX, US),
* Assoc. Prof. James R. Faeder (University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, US),
* Assoc. Prof. William S. Hlavacek (Los Alamos National Laboratories, US),
* Prof. Marek Kimmel (Rice University and MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, US),
* Prof. Vitaly Volpert (Universite Claude Bernard – Lyon 1, France),
* Prof. Michael R.H. White (Liverpool University, UK).
Research Associate Position - Duke University - USA
Offshoring Research Network
Duke University, Fuqua School of Business
Position summary
The Offshoring Research Network (ORN) at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, is seeking to hire a Research Associate for a period of two years, starting Summer/Fall 2009. The Research Associate will be expected to carry out survey-based and/or case study-based research on offshoring, outsourcing and the globalization of services.
ORN multi-year surveys
The international ORN project was initiated in 2004 by the Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) at the Duke Fuqua School of Business. The ORN project conducts both quantitative, survey-based research and qualitative case studies. It solicits two major annual surveys.
The ORN Corporate Client Survey tracks the adoption of offshoring and outsourcing administrative and technical functions, e.g. IT, finance & accounting, software and product development, by client companies across industries, from pioneering early adopters to the majority adopters. It includes data e.g. on offshoring drivers, risks, location choices, delivery models, performance outcomes and future plans. Unlike other surveys, this survey tracks offshoring and outsourcing activities over time by discrete functional implementation projects. It also includes companies that only consider offshoring and even those that have not considered offshoring yet. In collaboration with research partners worldwide, the ORN survey has been extended year by year. It has been taken by more than 1,500 companies from the U.S., Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Scandinavia, and Belgium, and it will include companies from Italy, Korea, Australia and other countries.
The ORN Service Provider Survey, which was launched in 2007 for the first time, investigates the service providers̢۪ perspective of offshoring. It covers questions about service profiles, the choice of service location, client contracts and relationships, risks involved with providing services, the recruitment and management of talent, future plans and outsourcing trends, and many other aspects.
ORN case studies
Parallel to the collection and analysis of survey-based data, the ORN project also involves complementary case studies investigating not only companies̢۪ various experiences with offshoring, but also their internal routines, processes and capabilities that differentiate early from late adopters of the new business practice as well as more and less successful offshoring companies. In particular, ORN research is focusing on companies offshoring higher-level, innovation-centered activities and processes. Taking a co-evolutional research perspective, the ORN project also investigates the emergence of new geographical knowledge clusters and institutions guiding offshoring/outsourcing activities.
In addition to developing knowledge on companies̢۪ offshoring practices, the project seeks to develop theoretical concepts and frameworks partly based on the cases, explaining the emergence, adoption, and diffusion of offshoring practices and underlying capabilities within and across companies, industries, and countries. Audiences of the research results include both business practitioners and academics. Although the candidate̢۪s main focus will be on academic research, he/she will have to maintain a strong orientation towards the business implications of the research findings.
Job requirements
The Research Associate will work in close collaboration with the other members of the international ORN research team and will participate in all aspects of the research projects, including data collection and analysis, and crafting research papers. The candidate will participate in developing practitioners-oriented presentations and in writing Thought Leadership articles for the business community. He or she will also be involved in designing and running selected courses for MBA students and executive MBAs. In addition, he or she is expected to work together with our sponsoring organizations and partners, including PricewaterhouseCoopers and The Conference Board, in conducting custom research and various other projects. The opportunity to get involved in a wide array of activities will allow the Research Associate to acquire deep contextual knowledge and skills, field expertise and experience and qualify for both academic and consulting-oriented careers.
Ph.D. in Management/Business, Economics, Sociology, Geography or other related disciplines
Expertise and interest in relevant research areas, e.g. sourcing, business process redesign, open innovation, international business, cross-cultural communication, organizational learning, project and network management
Strong skills and proven experience in writing research reports and papers, and in presenting at international conferences
- Proven experience with (1) quantitative survey design and statistical analysis using large databases and/or (2) developing and analyzing case or field studies, preferably theory-guided and/or theory-building
Fluency in English
- Strong interpersonal skills, team spirit, and ability to work in multicultural settings
- Flexible, stress resistant, multi-task person with good time and priority management
- Available to travel worldwide.
How and where to apply
Please send a cover letter describing your interest in the Research Associate position; your CV, including your professional background, skills and publications; and a letter of recommendation by your PhD supervisor and/or other professor(s) you have collaborated with to the following address (either regular mail OR email):
Professor Arie Y. Lewin
Duke University
The Fuqua School of Business
1 Towerview Drive
Durham, NC 27708
Maly Sibounheuang (Associate Director):, ++1 919 660 7836, or
Dr. Stephan Manning (Research Associate):, ++1 919 660 7887
For further information about this position, please also contact Dr. Stephan Manning.
Offshoring Research Network
Duke University, Fuqua School of Business
Position summary
The Offshoring Research Network (ORN) at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, is seeking to hire a Research Associate for a period of two years, starting Summer/Fall 2009. The Research Associate will be expected to carry out survey-based and/or case study-based research on offshoring, outsourcing and the globalization of services.
ORN multi-year surveys
The international ORN project was initiated in 2004 by the Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) at the Duke Fuqua School of Business. The ORN project conducts both quantitative, survey-based research and qualitative case studies. It solicits two major annual surveys.
The ORN Corporate Client Survey tracks the adoption of offshoring and outsourcing administrative and technical functions, e.g. IT, finance & accounting, software and product development, by client companies across industries, from pioneering early adopters to the majority adopters. It includes data e.g. on offshoring drivers, risks, location choices, delivery models, performance outcomes and future plans. Unlike other surveys, this survey tracks offshoring and outsourcing activities over time by discrete functional implementation projects. It also includes companies that only consider offshoring and even those that have not considered offshoring yet. In collaboration with research partners worldwide, the ORN survey has been extended year by year. It has been taken by more than 1,500 companies from the U.S., Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Scandinavia, and Belgium, and it will include companies from Italy, Korea, Australia and other countries.
The ORN Service Provider Survey, which was launched in 2007 for the first time, investigates the service providers̢۪ perspective of offshoring. It covers questions about service profiles, the choice of service location, client contracts and relationships, risks involved with providing services, the recruitment and management of talent, future plans and outsourcing trends, and many other aspects.
ORN case studies
Parallel to the collection and analysis of survey-based data, the ORN project also involves complementary case studies investigating not only companies̢۪ various experiences with offshoring, but also their internal routines, processes and capabilities that differentiate early from late adopters of the new business practice as well as more and less successful offshoring companies. In particular, ORN research is focusing on companies offshoring higher-level, innovation-centered activities and processes. Taking a co-evolutional research perspective, the ORN project also investigates the emergence of new geographical knowledge clusters and institutions guiding offshoring/outsourcing activities.
In addition to developing knowledge on companies̢۪ offshoring practices, the project seeks to develop theoretical concepts and frameworks partly based on the cases, explaining the emergence, adoption, and diffusion of offshoring practices and underlying capabilities within and across companies, industries, and countries. Audiences of the research results include both business practitioners and academics. Although the candidate̢۪s main focus will be on academic research, he/she will have to maintain a strong orientation towards the business implications of the research findings.
Job requirements
The Research Associate will work in close collaboration with the other members of the international ORN research team and will participate in all aspects of the research projects, including data collection and analysis, and crafting research papers. The candidate will participate in developing practitioners-oriented presentations and in writing Thought Leadership articles for the business community. He or she will also be involved in designing and running selected courses for MBA students and executive MBAs. In addition, he or she is expected to work together with our sponsoring organizations and partners, including PricewaterhouseCoopers and The Conference Board, in conducting custom research and various other projects. The opportunity to get involved in a wide array of activities will allow the Research Associate to acquire deep contextual knowledge and skills, field expertise and experience and qualify for both academic and consulting-oriented careers.
Ph.D. in Management/Business, Economics, Sociology, Geography or other related disciplines
Expertise and interest in relevant research areas, e.g. sourcing, business process redesign, open innovation, international business, cross-cultural communication, organizational learning, project and network management
Strong skills and proven experience in writing research reports and papers, and in presenting at international conferences
- Proven experience with (1) quantitative survey design and statistical analysis using large databases and/or (2) developing and analyzing case or field studies, preferably theory-guided and/or theory-building
Fluency in English
- Strong interpersonal skills, team spirit, and ability to work in multicultural settings
- Flexible, stress resistant, multi-task person with good time and priority management
- Available to travel worldwide.
How and where to apply
Please send a cover letter describing your interest in the Research Associate position; your CV, including your professional background, skills and publications; and a letter of recommendation by your PhD supervisor and/or other professor(s) you have collaborated with to the following address (either regular mail OR email):
Professor Arie Y. Lewin
Duke University
The Fuqua School of Business
1 Towerview Drive
Durham, NC 27708
Maly Sibounheuang (Associate Director):, ++1 919 660 7836, or
Dr. Stephan Manning (Research Associate):, ++1 919 660 7887
For further information about this position, please also contact Dr. Stephan Manning.
Auckland University of Technology New Zealand post-graduate scholars
A very few scholarships are offered for doctoral study by the university, Vice Chancellor's Doctoral Scholarships:
Also see general scholarships:
Romie Frederick Littrell, BA, MBA, PhD, FIAIR
Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
IV. 1st stanza, War is Kind and Other Lines, Stephen Crane, 1899
A little ink more or less!
It surely can't matter?
Even the sky and the opulent sea,
The plains and the hills, aloof,
Hear the uproar of all these books.
But it is only a little ink more or less.
Also see general scholarships:
Romie Frederick Littrell, BA, MBA, PhD, FIAIR
Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
IV. 1st stanza, War is Kind and Other Lines, Stephen Crane, 1899
A little ink more or less!
It surely can't matter?
Even the sky and the opulent sea,
The plains and the hills, aloof,
Hear the uproar of all these books.
But it is only a little ink more or less.
PhD assistant position: Research on Chinese FDI in Europe
Ph.D. Research Position at the Center for Competitiveness of the University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation
The Center for Competitiveness of the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) invites applications for a 2-year full-time research Ph.D. position beginning in 2010. A third year is not excluded.
Job Description:
We are looking for candidates who can maintain a stream of quality research and deliver high quality research in the research Field of Chinese Foreign Direct Investments in Europe with a special focus on their impact on competitiveness of host countries, in particular Switzerland.
The thesis will be written in English. The position is a 100% research Ph.D. position and is affiliate with the Center of Competitiveness. The position is fullly funded for two years by the Swiss National Science Foundation (a third year is not excluded). The salary is competitive and in the range of around 40,000 CHF per year (brutto). The person we hire will have a completed master degree.
To be registered as a phd candidate at the university of Fribourg: Candidates who have a master degree from the University of Fribourg should comply with the acceptance requirements of the University of Fribourg. Candidates who have a master degree from another university need to provide a statement that he/she would be accepted at a phd candidate in his/her home university.
Start of the project: 2010 (starting month to be determined). For more information about the Center for Competitiveness, please visit and
Please apply directly by e-mail and sending (1) your motivation letter, and (2) your CV/resume directly to Prof. Dr. Philippe Gugler ( ).
Prof. Dr. Philippe Gugler
Center for Competitiveness
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
University of Fribourg - Switzerland
Bd Pérolles 90
CH - 1700 Fribourg
tel. +41 26 300 82 26
Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation
The Center for Competitiveness of the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) invites applications for a 2-year full-time research Ph.D. position beginning in 2010. A third year is not excluded.
Job Description:
We are looking for candidates who can maintain a stream of quality research and deliver high quality research in the research Field of Chinese Foreign Direct Investments in Europe with a special focus on their impact on competitiveness of host countries, in particular Switzerland.
The thesis will be written in English. The position is a 100% research Ph.D. position and is affiliate with the Center of Competitiveness. The position is fullly funded for two years by the Swiss National Science Foundation (a third year is not excluded). The salary is competitive and in the range of around 40,000 CHF per year (brutto). The person we hire will have a completed master degree.
To be registered as a phd candidate at the university of Fribourg: Candidates who have a master degree from the University of Fribourg should comply with the acceptance requirements of the University of Fribourg. Candidates who have a master degree from another university need to provide a statement that he/she would be accepted at a phd candidate in his/her home university.
Start of the project: 2010 (starting month to be determined). For more information about the Center for Competitiveness, please visit and
Please apply directly by e-mail and sending (1) your motivation letter, and (2) your CV/resume directly to Prof. Dr. Philippe Gugler ( ).
Prof. Dr. Philippe Gugler
Center for Competitiveness
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
University of Fribourg - Switzerland
Bd Pérolles 90
CH - 1700 Fribourg
tel. +41 26 300 82 26
PhD Assistantship in Management - Austria
Dear colleagues,
I am seeking to fill two positions for Ph.D. students, employed as Research and Teaching Assistants (UniversitätsassistentIn mit Master/Diplom), at the Department of International Management at Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria by February 1st, 2010.
Deadline for applications is 28.10.2009. Knowledge of German language is an advantage but not a requirement. Should you have any questions, please contact Professor Tina C. Ambos. email:
The Johannes Kepler University in Linz, one of the most modern universities in Austria, was founded in 1966 as an Academy for Social and Economic Science. Johannes Kepler University is an impulse center for science and society and prides itself on a very distinguished international reputation. It is the largest academic institution in the federal state of Upper Austria. Situated on the north-eastern outskirts in the Upper Austrian capital of Linz, the campus accommodates approximately 14,000 students and employs over 2,000 faculty and staff. JKU currently offers 29 bachelor, masters and doctoral programs. The university’s core areas of competence include the Social Sciences, Economics and Business, Law as well as Engineering and Natural Sciences
The Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences (SoWi) is the only faculty of its kind in Austria to offer such an extensive range of study programs in the social sciences, economics and business. The SoWi Faculty develops its study programs according to national and international guidelines and quality standards.
Best regards,
Tina Ambos
AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business.
I am seeking to fill two positions for Ph.D. students, employed as Research and Teaching Assistants (UniversitätsassistentIn mit Master/Diplom), at the Department of International Management at Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria by February 1st, 2010.
Deadline for applications is 28.10.2009. Knowledge of German language is an advantage but not a requirement. Should you have any questions, please contact Professor Tina C. Ambos. email:
The Johannes Kepler University in Linz, one of the most modern universities in Austria, was founded in 1966 as an Academy for Social and Economic Science. Johannes Kepler University is an impulse center for science and society and prides itself on a very distinguished international reputation. It is the largest academic institution in the federal state of Upper Austria. Situated on the north-eastern outskirts in the Upper Austrian capital of Linz, the campus accommodates approximately 14,000 students and employs over 2,000 faculty and staff. JKU currently offers 29 bachelor, masters and doctoral programs. The university’s core areas of competence include the Social Sciences, Economics and Business, Law as well as Engineering and Natural Sciences
The Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences (SoWi) is the only faculty of its kind in Austria to offer such an extensive range of study programs in the social sciences, economics and business. The SoWi Faculty develops its study programs according to national and international guidelines and quality standards.
Best regards,
Tina Ambos
AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business.
Computational Linguistics: PhD Student, Stockholm University
Institution/Organization: Stockholm University
Department: Department of Linguistics
Web Address:
Level: PhD
Duties: Research
Specialty Areas: Computational Linguistics
The Department of Linguistics at Stockholm University invites applications for a
four-year studentship within its PhD programme in Computational Linguistics,
with start date January 1, 2010.
We would especially welcome thesis projects with a potential for
cross-fertilizing areas within the department and/or with partners in the Human
Language Technology Center in the Stockholm-Uppsala University Network
( For example, the thesis project might
involve one of the profile areas of the department, language typology (see or early language acquisition
in children. It might also relate to activities within the Userware Laboratory
at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS), such as data-oriented
models of semantics. Examples of other such cross-border areas are symbolic and
statistical methods for parsing and computational linguistics for
under-resourced languages.
The deadline for applications is October 29, 2009. Applications should be sent
by ordinary mail to Stockholms universitet, Registrator/PA, 106 91 Stockholm,
Sweden, and should include the following:
1. CV with information about earlier studies, jobs and publications;
2. a copy of written works that are referred to in the application;
3. contact information for two reference persons;
4. a sketch of up to 6,000 words describing a possible thesis project.
Please indicate the reference number SU 617-2168-09 on your application!
Further inquiries should be directed to Associate Professor Mats Wirén
General information
Applicants must have an undergraduate degree including at least an equivalent of
the Swedish “magister” programme in General Linguistics. This programme focuses
on linguistic theory and comprises four years of study including the writing of
two research papers. Applicants from all countries are welcome. Knowledge of
Swedish is not a formal requirement but students are strongly advised to acquire
a working knowledge of Swedish as soon as possible (language courses are offered
by the university). Additional details on the general admission requirements for
postgraduate studies at Stockholm University can be found at
During the period of the studentship, the student is a regular employee of the
University. The beginning salary is 21,600 SEK a month (approximately 2,100
Euros or 3,100 USD).
The first period of employment is for one year. The employment contract can then
be renewed for at most two years at a time, up to a total of four years, or, if
the student accepts teaching or administrative duties at the department (not
exceeding 20% of full time), maximally five years.
The Department of Linguistics at Stockholm University (
has about 60 employees, which makes it one of the larger departments at the
Faculty of Humanities. The department is organized into six sections, namely,
General Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Phonetics, Sign Language for the
Deaf, Swedish for the Deaf, and Modern Greek. The research at the Department of
Linguistics belongs to one of fifteen areas at Stockholm University which have
been graded as “leading research” in the sense of being nationally leading and
having a high international status (see
The department is a member of the Human Language Technology Center in the
Stockholm-Uppsala University Network (,
and participates in the Swedish National Graduate School of Language Technology
Application Deadline: 29-Oct-2009
Web Address for Applications:
Contact Information:
Professor Mats Wirén
October 5, 2009 • Tags: Computational Linguistics: PhD Student, Stockholm University • Posted in: Uncategorized • No Comments
Anthropological Linguistics, Language Documentation & South Caucasus Region: PhD Student, ARISC, USA
Institution/Organization: ARISC
Web Address:
Level: PhD
Specialty Areas: Anthropological Linguistics; General Linguistics; Language Documentation
The American Research Institute of the Southern Caucasus (ARISC) announces the
availability of US graduate fellowships in support of research in the South
Caucasus (Armenia, Georgia,and/or Azerbaijan). We anticipate making four to six
awards of a maximum of $1500 each. Projects in all fields in the social
sciences and humanities are eligible. Proposals will be judged on their quality
and on the potential of the research to strengthen scholarship on the Southern
Caucasus. The purpose of the fellowship is to help cover travel to and/or
living expenses in the Southern Caucasus. During his/her stay in the Southern
Caucasus, the fellow is expected to give an ARISC sponsored presentation on a
subject related to his/her research. The fellow will acknowledge ARISC in any
publication that emerges from the research carried during the fellowship.
Application requirements: Please send a complete application including the
application form, a project statement of not more than 3 pages, work schedule,
budget, curriculum vitae, and two letters of recommendation by November 20, 2009
to info “at” All information must be received by November 20, 2009 in
order for the applicant to be considered for the fellowship.
Please see
for the full description of the fellowship as well as the application form.
Application Deadline: 20-Nov-2009
Web Address for Applications:
Contact Information:
Talin Lindsay
Department: Department of Linguistics
Web Address:
Level: PhD
Duties: Research
Specialty Areas: Computational Linguistics
The Department of Linguistics at Stockholm University invites applications for a
four-year studentship within its PhD programme in Computational Linguistics,
with start date January 1, 2010.
We would especially welcome thesis projects with a potential for
cross-fertilizing areas within the department and/or with partners in the Human
Language Technology Center in the Stockholm-Uppsala University Network
( For example, the thesis project might
involve one of the profile areas of the department, language typology (see or early language acquisition
in children. It might also relate to activities within the Userware Laboratory
at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS), such as data-oriented
models of semantics. Examples of other such cross-border areas are symbolic and
statistical methods for parsing and computational linguistics for
under-resourced languages.
The deadline for applications is October 29, 2009. Applications should be sent
by ordinary mail to Stockholms universitet, Registrator/PA, 106 91 Stockholm,
Sweden, and should include the following:
1. CV with information about earlier studies, jobs and publications;
2. a copy of written works that are referred to in the application;
3. contact information for two reference persons;
4. a sketch of up to 6,000 words describing a possible thesis project.
Please indicate the reference number SU 617-2168-09 on your application!
Further inquiries should be directed to Associate Professor Mats Wirén
General information
Applicants must have an undergraduate degree including at least an equivalent of
the Swedish “magister” programme in General Linguistics. This programme focuses
on linguistic theory and comprises four years of study including the writing of
two research papers. Applicants from all countries are welcome. Knowledge of
Swedish is not a formal requirement but students are strongly advised to acquire
a working knowledge of Swedish as soon as possible (language courses are offered
by the university). Additional details on the general admission requirements for
postgraduate studies at Stockholm University can be found at
During the period of the studentship, the student is a regular employee of the
University. The beginning salary is 21,600 SEK a month (approximately 2,100
Euros or 3,100 USD).
The first period of employment is for one year. The employment contract can then
be renewed for at most two years at a time, up to a total of four years, or, if
the student accepts teaching or administrative duties at the department (not
exceeding 20% of full time), maximally five years.
The Department of Linguistics at Stockholm University (
has about 60 employees, which makes it one of the larger departments at the
Faculty of Humanities. The department is organized into six sections, namely,
General Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Phonetics, Sign Language for the
Deaf, Swedish for the Deaf, and Modern Greek. The research at the Department of
Linguistics belongs to one of fifteen areas at Stockholm University which have
been graded as “leading research” in the sense of being nationally leading and
having a high international status (see
The department is a member of the Human Language Technology Center in the
Stockholm-Uppsala University Network (,
and participates in the Swedish National Graduate School of Language Technology
Application Deadline: 29-Oct-2009
Web Address for Applications:
Contact Information:
Professor Mats Wirén
October 5, 2009 • Tags: Computational Linguistics: PhD Student, Stockholm University • Posted in: Uncategorized • No Comments
Anthropological Linguistics, Language Documentation & South Caucasus Region: PhD Student, ARISC, USA
Institution/Organization: ARISC
Web Address:
Level: PhD
Specialty Areas: Anthropological Linguistics; General Linguistics; Language Documentation
The American Research Institute of the Southern Caucasus (ARISC) announces the
availability of US graduate fellowships in support of research in the South
Caucasus (Armenia, Georgia,and/or Azerbaijan). We anticipate making four to six
awards of a maximum of $1500 each. Projects in all fields in the social
sciences and humanities are eligible. Proposals will be judged on their quality
and on the potential of the research to strengthen scholarship on the Southern
Caucasus. The purpose of the fellowship is to help cover travel to and/or
living expenses in the Southern Caucasus. During his/her stay in the Southern
Caucasus, the fellow is expected to give an ARISC sponsored presentation on a
subject related to his/her research. The fellow will acknowledge ARISC in any
publication that emerges from the research carried during the fellowship.
Application requirements: Please send a complete application including the
application form, a project statement of not more than 3 pages, work schedule,
budget, curriculum vitae, and two letters of recommendation by November 20, 2009
to info “at” All information must be received by November 20, 2009 in
order for the applicant to be considered for the fellowship.
Please see
for the full description of the fellowship as well as the application form.
Application Deadline: 20-Nov-2009
Web Address for Applications:
Contact Information:
Talin Lindsay
8 PhD positions, high energy physics and astroparticle physics
The Research Training Group (Graduiertenkolleg 1504)
Mass, Spectrum, Symmetry: Particle Physics in the Era of the Large Hadron Collider, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft as a cooperation between Humboldt University Berlin, Technical University Dresden and DESY at Zeuthen offers:
8 positions for PhD students
in the field of experimental and theoretical elementary particle physics and astroparticle physics.
The graduate program will integrate different fields of research in the experimental and theoretical aspects of particle physics according to the challenges emerging from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN.
Main research topics are data analysis with ATLAS, astroparticle physics with IceCube and H.E.S.S., double beta decay, LHC phenomenology, quantum field and string theory as well as lattice gauge theory.
We are looking for excellent doctoral students with a university degree (diploma or master) from Germany or abroad.
The positions are offered from April 1st , 2010 at the earliest, lasting for a maximum of three years.
Applications are to be handed in by December 1st, 2009 to the coordinator of the graduate school Dr. Martin zur Nedden (, Department of Physics, Humboldt-University Berlin. Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.
The application is exclusively online at our wepage:
The application should include C.V., copies of certificates of degrees, a letter of motivation specifying the field of research interest and the names and contact address of two referees.
Please arrange that the letters of recommendation are sent directly by the referees to the coordinator.
Further information about the graduate school and the process of application are available on the web page.
We especially encourage the application of qualified women. Handicapped candidates with equal qualification will be preferred.
Mass, Spectrum, Symmetry: Particle Physics in the Era of the Large Hadron Collider, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft as a cooperation between Humboldt University Berlin, Technical University Dresden and DESY at Zeuthen offers:
8 positions for PhD students
in the field of experimental and theoretical elementary particle physics and astroparticle physics.
The graduate program will integrate different fields of research in the experimental and theoretical aspects of particle physics according to the challenges emerging from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN.
Main research topics are data analysis with ATLAS, astroparticle physics with IceCube and H.E.S.S., double beta decay, LHC phenomenology, quantum field and string theory as well as lattice gauge theory.
We are looking for excellent doctoral students with a university degree (diploma or master) from Germany or abroad.
The positions are offered from April 1st , 2010 at the earliest, lasting for a maximum of three years.
Applications are to be handed in by December 1st, 2009 to the coordinator of the graduate school Dr. Martin zur Nedden (, Department of Physics, Humboldt-University Berlin. Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.
The application is exclusively online at our wepage:
The application should include C.V., copies of certificates of degrees, a letter of motivation specifying the field of research interest and the names and contact address of two referees.
Please arrange that the letters of recommendation are sent directly by the referees to the coordinator.
Further information about the graduate school and the process of application are available on the web page.
We especially encourage the application of qualified women. Handicapped candidates with equal qualification will be preferred.
Ling and Literature, Interdisciplinary Research: PhD Student, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Institution/Organization: Freie Universität Berlin
Department: Cluster Languages of Emotion
Web Address:
Level: PhD
Duties: Research
Specialty Areas: General Linguistics; Ling & Literature
Interdisciplinary Research
Funded within the Excellence Initiative of the German Research Foundation
(DFG), the Graduate School of the Cluster “Languages of Emotion” has as its
aim the supervision of exceptional dissertation projects pertinent to the
research of the Cluster. The graduate school offers intensive and individual
supervision of the thesis as well as a structured course of studies.
The research of the cluster is dedicated to the complex interrelations between
the use of signs/symbols, the transfer of emotions, aesthetic practices,
mental dispositions and affective modes of constructing both personal and
social identities the cluster. The graduate school focuses on the following
research areas:
- the relations between affective phenomena and various representational
media (language, sound, image);
- the artistic practices and poetics of (re)presenting/ shaping emotion;
- correlations between emotional and linguistic competencies (and their
- modes of emotion modelling at the level of cultural codes and patterns of
social behavior and identity.
Applicants interested in pursuing a doctorate with an emphasis in one of the
cluster´s research areas must have a completed degree (M.A. or the
equivalent) with above average marks by mid-April in one of the disciplines:
Anthropology, Biology, Dance Studies, Film Studies, Japanese Studies, History
of Art, Linguistics, Literary History and Criticism (Comparative Literature,
Classical Greek and Latin Studies, English and American Studies, German
Studies, Romance Languages and Literatures, Slavic Studies) Musicology, Near
Eastern Studies, Neuropsychiatry, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology,
Religious Studies, Sociology, and Theater Studies.
The Graduate School will award 10 Scholarships per year. In the course of the selection process, the selection committee will decide upon these scholarships. Scholarships are awarded for three years; however, continuation of the degree course as well as the extension of the scholarship is subject to a favourable evaluation of the student’s progress at the end of each academic year.
Applications should be submitted by January 31st, 2010. The program of study will begin in October 2010.
All obligatory application materials - completed application form, statement of purpose (max. 3 pages), outline of dissertation project of 8-10 pages, overview of experiences and skills relevant to the chosen field of studies (table form), attested copies of earned degrees, proof of language skills (in case that these languages are not mother tongue: German level DSH2; TestDaF4/4; English level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) or equal) - as well as additional materials (2 letters of reference, writing sample) must be received at the address shown below.
Application Deadline: 31-Jan-2010
Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Dr. Markus Edler
Freie Universität Berlin, Graduate School Languages of Emotion
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
Berlin 14195
Contact Information:
Dr. Markus Edler
Department: Cluster Languages of Emotion
Web Address:
Level: PhD
Duties: Research
Specialty Areas: General Linguistics; Ling & Literature
Interdisciplinary Research
Funded within the Excellence Initiative of the German Research Foundation
(DFG), the Graduate School of the Cluster “Languages of Emotion” has as its
aim the supervision of exceptional dissertation projects pertinent to the
research of the Cluster. The graduate school offers intensive and individual
supervision of the thesis as well as a structured course of studies.
The research of the cluster is dedicated to the complex interrelations between
the use of signs/symbols, the transfer of emotions, aesthetic practices,
mental dispositions and affective modes of constructing both personal and
social identities the cluster. The graduate school focuses on the following
research areas:
- the relations between affective phenomena and various representational
media (language, sound, image);
- the artistic practices and poetics of (re)presenting/ shaping emotion;
- correlations between emotional and linguistic competencies (and their
- modes of emotion modelling at the level of cultural codes and patterns of
social behavior and identity.
Applicants interested in pursuing a doctorate with an emphasis in one of the
cluster´s research areas must have a completed degree (M.A. or the
equivalent) with above average marks by mid-April in one of the disciplines:
Anthropology, Biology, Dance Studies, Film Studies, Japanese Studies, History
of Art, Linguistics, Literary History and Criticism (Comparative Literature,
Classical Greek and Latin Studies, English and American Studies, German
Studies, Romance Languages and Literatures, Slavic Studies) Musicology, Near
Eastern Studies, Neuropsychiatry, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology,
Religious Studies, Sociology, and Theater Studies.
The Graduate School will award 10 Scholarships per year. In the course of the selection process, the selection committee will decide upon these scholarships. Scholarships are awarded for three years; however, continuation of the degree course as well as the extension of the scholarship is subject to a favourable evaluation of the student’s progress at the end of each academic year.
Applications should be submitted by January 31st, 2010. The program of study will begin in October 2010.
All obligatory application materials - completed application form, statement of purpose (max. 3 pages), outline of dissertation project of 8-10 pages, overview of experiences and skills relevant to the chosen field of studies (table form), attested copies of earned degrees, proof of language skills (in case that these languages are not mother tongue: German level DSH2; TestDaF4/4; English level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) or equal) - as well as additional materials (2 letters of reference, writing sample) must be received at the address shown below.
Application Deadline: 31-Jan-2010
Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Dr. Markus Edler
Freie Universität Berlin, Graduate School Languages of Emotion
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
Berlin 14195
Contact Information:
Dr. Markus Edler
RA Position at SUNY, Albany, USA
The Department of Communication at the University at Albany, SUNY seeks
applications for an immediate Research Assistantship to begin in Spring
2010, offered through its doctoral program. Applicants must be accepted
to the Ph.D. program to qualify for this position. The research
assistantship entails work on a federally funded research project
directed by Professor Jennifer Stromer-Galley that aims to predict real
world characteristics of players in virtual worlds, such as World of
Warcraft and Second Life.
The research assistant would work 20 hours per week on the following
kinds of duties: assist in recruiting research participants, providing
technical support, monitoring player interactions, conducting literature
searches, and data collection and data analysis. The RA should have a
strong GPA, high GRE scores, a passion for research, and ideally an
interest or knowledge in interpersonal interaction and/or
computer-mediated communication.
Compensation includes a stipend (including summer support) and up to 9
credits of in-state tuition per semester.
The graduate student would be joining the newly established doctoral
program in communication in the department. For more information please
see Faculty in
the department specialize in political, health, organizational,
interpersonal/intercultural, and computer-mediated communication.
If interested or would like further information about the research
assistantship, please email Dr. Stromer-Galley at
applications for an immediate Research Assistantship to begin in Spring
2010, offered through its doctoral program. Applicants must be accepted
to the Ph.D. program to qualify for this position. The research
assistantship entails work on a federally funded research project
directed by Professor Jennifer Stromer-Galley that aims to predict real
world characteristics of players in virtual worlds, such as World of
Warcraft and Second Life.
The research assistant would work 20 hours per week on the following
kinds of duties: assist in recruiting research participants, providing
technical support, monitoring player interactions, conducting literature
searches, and data collection and data analysis. The RA should have a
strong GPA, high GRE scores, a passion for research, and ideally an
interest or knowledge in interpersonal interaction and/or
computer-mediated communication.
Compensation includes a stipend (including summer support) and up to 9
credits of in-state tuition per semester.
The graduate student would be joining the newly established doctoral
program in communication in the department. For more information please
see Faculty in
the department specialize in political, health, organizational,
interpersonal/intercultural, and computer-mediated communication.
If interested or would like further information about the research
assistantship, please email Dr. Stromer-Galley at
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Japan Scholarship Program 2010
Scholarships for International Students
The Asian Development Bank - Japan Scholarship Program 2010
The Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP) was established in April 1988 with financing from the Government of Japan. The objective of the program is to provide an opportunity for well qualified citizens of the Bank’s Developing Member Countries (DMCs) to undertake postgraduate studies which will assist the economic and social development of their countries.
Who is eligible?
Citizens of developing member countries of the Bank (see list and selection criteria) who have a minimum of two years’ working experience and who are eligible for admission to the following degree programs at the University of Sydney:
* Master of Economics
* Master of Commerce
* Master of International Business
* Master of Transport Management
* Master of International Public Health
* Master of Engineering
Please note, applicants living or working outside their home country are not eligible for this scholarship. Also, no applicant will be allowed to apply for the ADB-JSP scholarship more than two times.
Application Deadline:
Application closing date for courses starting in July 2010 is 30 November 2009.
ADB Developing Member Countries
The following countries are ADB Developing Member Countries:
* Afghanistan * Armenia
* Azerbaijan * Bangladesh
* Bhutan * Cambodia
* People’s Republic of China * Cook Islands
* Fiji Islands * Georgia
* Hong Kong China * India
* Indonesia * Kazakhstan
* Kiribati * Republic of Korea
* Kyrgyz Republic * Lao People’s Democratic Republic
* Malaysia * Maldives * The Republic of the Marshall Islands
* Federated States of Micronesia * Mongolia * Myanmar
* Nauru * Nepal * Pakistan * Republic of Palau
* Papua New Guinea * Philippines * Samoa * Singapore
* Solomon Islands * Sri Lanka * Chinese Taipei * Tajikistan
* Thailand * Timor-Leste * Tonga * Turkmenistan
* Tuvalu * Uzbekistan * Vanuatu * Vietnam
Selection criteria
* Qualifications of the candidate.
* Applicants with less than two years of work experience will not be selected.
* Preference to women candidates.
* Preference to applicants with lesser financial capacity.
* The Program will, in principle, not support applicants who have previously studied abroad.
* The Program will, in principle, not support applicants who are pursuing a second master’s degree or a second doctorate degree.
* Candidates who are applying in a participating academic institution in their own country may not be selected.
* Diversification of nationality in the overall Program as well as at each participating academic institution will be considered.
Application form
You can complete the Application Form by following the instructions on the form.
Please download the ADB-JSP application form (191kb PDF).
You must have a copy of Acrobat Reader to access this form.
For further information please contact:
International Office
The University of Sydney
Phone - +61 2 8627 8302
Fax - +61 2 8627 8387
Email -
The Asian Development Bank - Japan Scholarship Program 2010
The Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP) was established in April 1988 with financing from the Government of Japan. The objective of the program is to provide an opportunity for well qualified citizens of the Bank’s Developing Member Countries (DMCs) to undertake postgraduate studies which will assist the economic and social development of their countries.
Who is eligible?
Citizens of developing member countries of the Bank (see list and selection criteria) who have a minimum of two years’ working experience and who are eligible for admission to the following degree programs at the University of Sydney:
* Master of Economics
* Master of Commerce
* Master of International Business
* Master of Transport Management
* Master of International Public Health
* Master of Engineering
Please note, applicants living or working outside their home country are not eligible for this scholarship. Also, no applicant will be allowed to apply for the ADB-JSP scholarship more than two times.
Application Deadline:
Application closing date for courses starting in July 2010 is 30 November 2009.
ADB Developing Member Countries
The following countries are ADB Developing Member Countries:
* Afghanistan * Armenia
* Azerbaijan * Bangladesh
* Bhutan * Cambodia
* People’s Republic of China * Cook Islands
* Fiji Islands * Georgia
* Hong Kong China * India
* Indonesia * Kazakhstan
* Kiribati * Republic of Korea
* Kyrgyz Republic * Lao People’s Democratic Republic
* Malaysia * Maldives * The Republic of the Marshall Islands
* Federated States of Micronesia * Mongolia * Myanmar
* Nauru * Nepal * Pakistan * Republic of Palau
* Papua New Guinea * Philippines * Samoa * Singapore
* Solomon Islands * Sri Lanka * Chinese Taipei * Tajikistan
* Thailand * Timor-Leste * Tonga * Turkmenistan
* Tuvalu * Uzbekistan * Vanuatu * Vietnam
Selection criteria
* Qualifications of the candidate.
* Applicants with less than two years of work experience will not be selected.
* Preference to women candidates.
* Preference to applicants with lesser financial capacity.
* The Program will, in principle, not support applicants who have previously studied abroad.
* The Program will, in principle, not support applicants who are pursuing a second master’s degree or a second doctorate degree.
* Candidates who are applying in a participating academic institution in their own country may not be selected.
* Diversification of nationality in the overall Program as well as at each participating academic institution will be considered.
Application form
You can complete the Application Form by following the instructions on the form.
Please download the ADB-JSP application form (191kb PDF).
You must have a copy of Acrobat Reader to access this form.
For further information please contact:
International Office
The University of Sydney
Phone - +61 2 8627 8302
Fax - +61 2 8627 8387
Email -
The Gates Scholarships 2010, University of Cambridge, UK
The Gates Cambridge Scholarships 2010
Graduate application information for October 2010
Below are details of the graduate application deadlines for the October 2010 entry.
US citizens: the GRADSAF form and supporting documents must arrive at the University by 15 October 2009.
Non-US citizens: the GRADSAF form and supporting documents must arrive at the University by 15 December 2009.
Full details about graduate studies in Cambridge will be available in the 2010-11 Graduate Studies Prospectus from mid-September 2009. However, applicants may apply for admission for October 2010 from 1 September 2009 from the 2010-11 application page.
Further info:
Graduate application information for October 2010
Below are details of the graduate application deadlines for the October 2010 entry.
US citizens: the GRADSAF form and supporting documents must arrive at the University by 15 October 2009.
Non-US citizens: the GRADSAF form and supporting documents must arrive at the University by 15 December 2009.
Full details about graduate studies in Cambridge will be available in the 2010-11 Graduate Studies Prospectus from mid-September 2009. However, applicants may apply for admission for October 2010 from 1 September 2009 from the 2010-11 application page.
Further info:
18 PhD Fellowships at Graduate School of Life Science Wuerzburg
Würzburg is one of the leading German Universities in the Life Sciences based on funding by the German Research Foundation (DFG Ranking 2009). Internationally renowned research centres such as the Biocenter, the Research Center for Infectious Diseases, and the DFG Research Center for Experimental Biomedicine (Rudolf Virchow Center) contribute to this standing.
The Graduate School of Life Sciences (GSLS) is directly linked to those research centers. It comprises about 240 doctoral students and runs research training groups in the following major sections:
Biomedicine | Infection and Immunity | Integrative Biology | Neuroscience | MD/PhD program (MDs only)
We offer
1. an international, English spoken and widely visible research environment,
2. a personal fellowship, conference money and funding of research expenses for three years,
3. continuous supervision and mentoring by a thesis committee of three principal investigators,
4. a strong network of peers,
5. advanced scientific and transferable skills training,
6. special tutoring for international students.
We expect
1. passion for and experience in research,
2. an excellent university degree obtained within the last two years, usually a M.Sc. or German Diploma (if graduation is expected by March 2010 you may apply; exceptional candidates holding an Honours B.Sc. may join after a qualification period),
3. proven excellent oral and written English skills, willingness to learn basic German,
4. eagerness to work in an interdisciplinary and international environment.
If this is a match, please refer to the GSLS homepage for details and online application (Deadline Nov 13, 2009):
Please also visit the GSLS homepage for several other funded PhD positions currently available at the GSLS.
The Graduate School of Life Sciences (GSLS) is directly linked to those research centers. It comprises about 240 doctoral students and runs research training groups in the following major sections:
Biomedicine | Infection and Immunity | Integrative Biology | Neuroscience | MD/PhD program (MDs only)
We offer
1. an international, English spoken and widely visible research environment,
2. a personal fellowship, conference money and funding of research expenses for three years,
3. continuous supervision and mentoring by a thesis committee of three principal investigators,
4. a strong network of peers,
5. advanced scientific and transferable skills training,
6. special tutoring for international students.
We expect
1. passion for and experience in research,
2. an excellent university degree obtained within the last two years, usually a M.Sc. or German Diploma (if graduation is expected by March 2010 you may apply; exceptional candidates holding an Honours B.Sc. may join after a qualification period),
3. proven excellent oral and written English skills, willingness to learn basic German,
4. eagerness to work in an interdisciplinary and international environment.
If this is a match, please refer to the GSLS homepage for details and online application (Deadline Nov 13, 2009):
Please also visit the GSLS homepage for several other funded PhD positions currently available at the GSLS.
Novo Scholarship Programme 2010 in Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Deadline: 30 October, 2009 at 12.00 hrs (noon)
Novo Nordisk and Novozymes offer scholarships to support graduate training of some of the best students in biotechnology and pharmaceutical sciences, including bioinformatics, molecular biology, systems biology, translational medicine, microbiology, protein chemistry, biophysics, pharmacology, medical research methodology, pharmacy, drug delivery and biomedical devices. The purpose is to allow selected students at universities in Denmark and Lund University to devote full time to their MSc thesis (speciale).
Who can apply:
Students enrolled at either a Danish university or Lund University at the time of submitting the application. The university supervisor must be associated with the same institution. The student can, however, spend some time at an institution outside the university such as Novo Nordisk/Novozymes R&D labs or an institution abroad. Master students already performing their thesis work at Novo Nordisk /Novozymes cannot apply.
The scholarship offer:
The scholarship amounts to approx. DKK 75,000 for a full year and cannot be extended. Applications for shorter periods can be accepted. It is expected that the student does not take on paid work during the scholarship period. Recipients can apply for additional support of max DKK 6,000 during a period of up to six months after the expiration of the scholarship. This allowance supports participation in international meetings to present the results of the funded project. The scholarship can be initiated anytime between 1 February, 2010 and 1 September, 2010.
How to apply:
The research project must be of high scientific quality and must be supported by a contact person at Novo Nordisk or Novozymes. It is a prerequisite that the applicant identifies a contact person with research competences within the scientific area or technologies applied in the project. The contact person has no formal tutorial responsibilities but must agree to monitor project progress until completion. To help identify suitable projects, university researchers and students can contact relevant scientists or departments at Novo Nordisk or Novozymes.
Application forms can be obtained from Charlotte C. Larsø, Corporate Research Affairs (email:, phone: +45 3079 6730). Please use e-mail whenever possible. Applications must be submitted no later than Friday, 30 October, 2009 at 12.00 hrs. The application form must be submitted as a Word file. Appendices are accepted as pdf files.
Novo Nordisk and Novozymes offer scholarships to support graduate training of some of the best students in biotechnology and pharmaceutical sciences, including bioinformatics, molecular biology, systems biology, translational medicine, microbiology, protein chemistry, biophysics, pharmacology, medical research methodology, pharmacy, drug delivery and biomedical devices. The purpose is to allow selected students at universities in Denmark and Lund University to devote full time to their MSc thesis (speciale).
Who can apply:
Students enrolled at either a Danish university or Lund University at the time of submitting the application. The university supervisor must be associated with the same institution. The student can, however, spend some time at an institution outside the university such as Novo Nordisk/Novozymes R&D labs or an institution abroad. Master students already performing their thesis work at Novo Nordisk /Novozymes cannot apply.
The scholarship offer:
The scholarship amounts to approx. DKK 75,000 for a full year and cannot be extended. Applications for shorter periods can be accepted. It is expected that the student does not take on paid work during the scholarship period. Recipients can apply for additional support of max DKK 6,000 during a period of up to six months after the expiration of the scholarship. This allowance supports participation in international meetings to present the results of the funded project. The scholarship can be initiated anytime between 1 February, 2010 and 1 September, 2010.
How to apply:
The research project must be of high scientific quality and must be supported by a contact person at Novo Nordisk or Novozymes. It is a prerequisite that the applicant identifies a contact person with research competences within the scientific area or technologies applied in the project. The contact person has no formal tutorial responsibilities but must agree to monitor project progress until completion. To help identify suitable projects, university researchers and students can contact relevant scientists or departments at Novo Nordisk or Novozymes.
Application forms can be obtained from Charlotte C. Larsø, Corporate Research Affairs (email:, phone: +45 3079 6730). Please use e-mail whenever possible. Applications must be submitted no later than Friday, 30 October, 2009 at 12.00 hrs. The application form must be submitted as a Word file. Appendices are accepted as pdf files.
English and Linguistics: PhD Student, The University of Hong Kong
Institution/Organization: The University of Hong Kong Department: School of English Web Address: Level: PhD Duties: Research Specialty Areas: General Linguistics Required Language(s): English (eng) Description: Fully funded Research Postgraduate Degree in English The School of English of the University of Hong Kong, which has an international academic staff and postgraduate student body working in many areas of linguistics, offers full- and part-time research postgraduate programmes for a PhD degree.
Visit our website ( for more details about us, our research work, and how to apply. Successful full-time applicants will receive a grant of HK$13,100 (± US$1,650) per month, but interested candidates are encouraged to apply through the Online Application System of the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 2010/11 to compete for a higher monthly grant of HK$20,000 (±US$2560) and a conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$10,000 (±US$1300) per year. For more information on the PhD Fellowship Scheme, please visit Please see application and contact information below. Application Deadline: 01-Dec-2009 Web Address for Applications: Contact Information: Dirk Noel
Visit our website ( for more details about us, our research work, and how to apply. Successful full-time applicants will receive a grant of HK$13,100 (± US$1,650) per month, but interested candidates are encouraged to apply through the Online Application System of the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 2010/11 to compete for a higher monthly grant of HK$20,000 (±US$2560) and a conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$10,000 (±US$1300) per year. For more information on the PhD Fellowship Scheme, please visit Please see application and contact information below. Application Deadline: 01-Dec-2009 Web Address for Applications: Contact Information: Dirk Noel
USA: 2009-2010 Daniels Scholarship
If you are reading this handout, that means you are thinking about going to college – congratulations! The Daniels Fund awards hundreds of scholarships each year to promising students across a four-state region. The Daniels Scholarship program is both exciting and challenging, and we encourage you to read on to see if a Daniels Scholarship might be right for you.
Who Can Apply?
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible to apply for a Daniels Scholarship, students
must satisfy all of the following:
n Be nominated by a designated Referral Agency (see for a list).
n Be a current high school student with an expected
graduation during the 2009-2010 academic school year
from any high school in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah,
or Wyoming.
n Be a current resident of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, or
n At the time of application, be a U.S. citizen, a
permanent resident of the U.S., or have refugee or
asylum status in the U.S.
n Demonstrate financial need (see “What is Financial Need?”).
n Take the ACT by October 24, 2009 and achieve an exam
composite score of 17 or higher, or take the SAT by
October 10, 2009 and achieve a combined math and
critical reading score of 830 or higher.
Daniels Scholarship Application Deadline: Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2009 5:00 p.m., Mountain Standard Time
Who Can Apply?
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible to apply for a Daniels Scholarship, students
must satisfy all of the following:
n Be nominated by a designated Referral Agency (see for a list).
n Be a current high school student with an expected
graduation during the 2009-2010 academic school year
from any high school in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah,
or Wyoming.
n Be a current resident of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, or
n At the time of application, be a U.S. citizen, a
permanent resident of the U.S., or have refugee or
asylum status in the U.S.
n Demonstrate financial need (see “What is Financial Need?”).
n Take the ACT by October 24, 2009 and achieve an exam
composite score of 17 or higher, or take the SAT by
October 10, 2009 and achieve a combined math and
critical reading score of 830 or higher.
Daniels Scholarship Application Deadline: Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2009 5:00 p.m., Mountain Standard Time
General Linguistics: PhD Student, Northwestern University
Institution/Organization: Northwestern University - USA
Department: Lingusitics
Web Address:
Level: PhD
Specialty Areas: General Linguistics
In conjunction with our institutional partners, the Department of Linguistics
at Northwestern University invites applications for graduate fellowships in
linguistics and interdisciplinary research in language. All admitted students
receive a 5 year funding commitment (subject to satisfactory progress
towards the degree) including tuition, a 12-month stipend, and health
insurance. Students also have access to a variety of institutional resources for
supporting student research projects and professional travel.
Northwestern has a vibrant community of researchers actively working on a
wide variety of issues in language structure and processing, utilizing a
diverse range of methods and populations.
-Structure of linguistic systems within and across levels: Pragmatics,
Semantics, Syntax, Morphology, Phonology, Phonetics
-Perception, production and acquisition of first and second languages
-Dynamics of language: diachronic change; experience-related plasticity
-Language and music: Parallels and interactions
-Statistical modeling; probabilistic approaches to language structure and
-Formal/mathematical theories of linguistic systems
-Experimental studies of language; psycholinguistics
-Acoustic phonetics; prosody and intonation
-Machine learning and natural language processing; corpus analysis
-Functional and structural neuroimaging; electrophysiology
-Mono- and multilingual
-Infant, young adult and elderly
-Acquired and developmental disorders
For more information on graduate study, research, and the application process,
visit us online:
If you have questions please contact the admissions officer, Matt Goldrick (see
contact information below).
Application Deadline: 31-Dec-2009
Web Address for Applications:
Contact Information:
Matt Goldrick
Department: Lingusitics
Web Address:
Level: PhD
Specialty Areas: General Linguistics
In conjunction with our institutional partners, the Department of Linguistics
at Northwestern University invites applications for graduate fellowships in
linguistics and interdisciplinary research in language. All admitted students
receive a 5 year funding commitment (subject to satisfactory progress
towards the degree) including tuition, a 12-month stipend, and health
insurance. Students also have access to a variety of institutional resources for
supporting student research projects and professional travel.
Northwestern has a vibrant community of researchers actively working on a
wide variety of issues in language structure and processing, utilizing a
diverse range of methods and populations.
-Structure of linguistic systems within and across levels: Pragmatics,
Semantics, Syntax, Morphology, Phonology, Phonetics
-Perception, production and acquisition of first and second languages
-Dynamics of language: diachronic change; experience-related plasticity
-Language and music: Parallels and interactions
-Statistical modeling; probabilistic approaches to language structure and
-Formal/mathematical theories of linguistic systems
-Experimental studies of language; psycholinguistics
-Acoustic phonetics; prosody and intonation
-Machine learning and natural language processing; corpus analysis
-Functional and structural neuroimaging; electrophysiology
-Mono- and multilingual
-Infant, young adult and elderly
-Acquired and developmental disorders
For more information on graduate study, research, and the application process,
visit us online:
If you have questions please contact the admissions officer, Matt Goldrick (see
contact information below).
Application Deadline: 31-Dec-2009
Web Address for Applications:
Contact Information:
Matt Goldrick
PhD Scholarships in Epidemiology - Swiss Tropical Institute
Neglected Tropical Diseases and integrated demographic
surveillance in mobile pastoralists and their animals in Chad
In the frame work of a project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation ProDoc
scheme, a PhD position in Epidemiology is open at earliest convenience.
PhD Position in Epidemiology at the human-animal interface
Working places: Basel, Switzerland and N’Djaména, Chad
Remuneration: According to the salary scheme of the Swiss National Science Foundation
Duration 3 years.
Master of Science degree
Registration at the University of Basel
Experience with field work in Africa
Fluency in French, written and spoken
Notions in Arabic are an asset
Suitable candidates have preferably a background in biology, public health, animal
health, population biology or health geography.
Applicants are invited to send:
1. Letter of motivation
2. Curriculum vitae
3. Copies of their diplomas
4. Letters of recommendation
5. Names and addresses of two reference persons
PD Dr. Jakob Zinsstag, Swiss Tropical Institute, PO Box, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland,
or by email to, Tel. +41 61 284 81 39
Background and Aims of the Project
Substantial gains have been made in global health, including reductions in overall and
child mortality in developing countries. However, progress remains uneven and there are
growing differences in mortality, morbidity and disease burden rates according to
geographical region. For example, communicable diseases, maternal and perinatal
conditions, and micronutrient deficiencies cluster in the tropics and subtropics, and
contribute to delay the social and economic development. Improving the health and
livelihoods of the global poor could save millions of healthy life years, enhance equity
and alleviate poverty, and hence contribute to achieving the millennium development
goals (MDGs). Certain MDGs are addressed by global alliances and partnerships; e.g. the
control of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. Fewer efforts are placed on the so-called
neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), e.g. helminth infections and zoonoses. The focus of
this project is on the epidemiology and control of NTDs in semi-arid and humid contexts
in Central and West Africa.
The goal of this proposal is to deepen our understanding of morbidity patterns and
transmission dynamics of NTDs in two eco-epidemiological settings of Africa,
and to study the effects of control interventions aiming at reducing the burden due to
NTDs. This will entail the development of methods and analytical tools for demographic
surveillance of a highly mobile population in Chad, and a rural sedentary population in
south-central Côte d’Ivoire. These demographic surveillance system (DSS) sites will
serve as platforms to monitor changes in morbidity patterns following locally-adapted
surveillance in mobile pastoralists and their animals in Chad
In the frame work of a project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation ProDoc
scheme, a PhD position in Epidemiology is open at earliest convenience.
PhD Position in Epidemiology at the human-animal interface
Working places: Basel, Switzerland and N’Djaména, Chad
Remuneration: According to the salary scheme of the Swiss National Science Foundation
Duration 3 years.
Master of Science degree
Registration at the University of Basel
Experience with field work in Africa
Fluency in French, written and spoken
Notions in Arabic are an asset
Suitable candidates have preferably a background in biology, public health, animal
health, population biology or health geography.
Applicants are invited to send:
1. Letter of motivation
2. Curriculum vitae
3. Copies of their diplomas
4. Letters of recommendation
5. Names and addresses of two reference persons
PD Dr. Jakob Zinsstag, Swiss Tropical Institute, PO Box, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland,
or by email to, Tel. +41 61 284 81 39
Background and Aims of the Project
Substantial gains have been made in global health, including reductions in overall and
child mortality in developing countries. However, progress remains uneven and there are
growing differences in mortality, morbidity and disease burden rates according to
geographical region. For example, communicable diseases, maternal and perinatal
conditions, and micronutrient deficiencies cluster in the tropics and subtropics, and
contribute to delay the social and economic development. Improving the health and
livelihoods of the global poor could save millions of healthy life years, enhance equity
and alleviate poverty, and hence contribute to achieving the millennium development
goals (MDGs). Certain MDGs are addressed by global alliances and partnerships; e.g. the
control of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. Fewer efforts are placed on the so-called
neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), e.g. helminth infections and zoonoses. The focus of
this project is on the epidemiology and control of NTDs in semi-arid and humid contexts
in Central and West Africa.
The goal of this proposal is to deepen our understanding of morbidity patterns and
transmission dynamics of NTDs in two eco-epidemiological settings of Africa,
and to study the effects of control interventions aiming at reducing the burden due to
NTDs. This will entail the development of methods and analytical tools for demographic
surveillance of a highly mobile population in Chad, and a rural sedentary population in
south-central Côte d’Ivoire. These demographic surveillance system (DSS) sites will
serve as platforms to monitor changes in morbidity patterns following locally-adapted
Learning English on-line and interactive
Dear all,
Please visit
"A fun study site for learners of English as a Second Language.
Word games, puzzles, quizzes, exercises, slang, proverbs and much more."
"Lessons, games, quizzes, forums, chat, lesson plans, jobs & more for ESL
(English as a second language) learners & teachers."
The sound of spoken language
"English is not Phonetic
Always remember that English is not "phonetic". That means that we do not
always say a word the same way that we spell it.
Some words can have the same spelling but different pronunciation, for
I like to read [ri:d].
I have read [red] that book.
Some words have different spelling but the same pronunciation, for example:
I have read [red] that book.
My favourite colour is red [red]. "
Those four websites provide many things that you have not learned in your
regular English classroom.
For example, visit , click pronunciation on the
left column, then click "Word Stress. Learn where to put a stress in a
Although I learned "sentence intonation," to be honest with you, I did
not learn "word stress" at all in Indonesia.
"Word stress is your magic key to understanding spoken English. Native
speakers of English use word stress naturally. Word stress is so natural for
them that they don't even know they use it. Non-native speakers who speak
English to native speakers without using word stress, encounter two
1. They find it difficult to understand native speakers, especially those
speaking fast.
2. The native speakers may find it difficult to understand them. "
"There are many two-syllable words in English whose meaning and class change
with a change in stress.
The word present, for example is a two-syllable word. If we stress the first
syllable, it is a noun (gift) or
an adjective (opposite of absent). But if we stress the second syllable, it
becomes a verb (to offer). "
You can also find a web link to help you reduce your accent. We may think
that we speak English fluently. However, if we still have "strong" Java,
Sunda, Batak, Bali, etc accent, native speakers may not be able to
understand us properly. :-)
If we would like to improve our English, we should study not only basic English
grammar but also English style and English usage. You may think that your grammar is good. However, please understand that language is part of culture and daily life. If your grammar is good but native speakers do not use "your" English style, you may not be able to communicate seamlessly with them. Unfortunately, we do not learn proper English style in Indonesia.
One of the best books to learn English style is "The Chicago Manual of Style" published by the University of Chicago. Fortunately, this book is now available online. Please visit
"The bible of the publishing and research community is now available on your
desktop. The Chicago Manual of Style Online is completely searchable and easy to use, providing quick answers to your style and editing questions."
Other sources:
Good luck.
Please visit
"A fun study site for learners of English as a Second Language.
Word games, puzzles, quizzes, exercises, slang, proverbs and much more."
"Lessons, games, quizzes, forums, chat, lesson plans, jobs & more for ESL
(English as a second language) learners & teachers."
The sound of spoken language
"English is not Phonetic
Always remember that English is not "phonetic". That means that we do not
always say a word the same way that we spell it.
Some words can have the same spelling but different pronunciation, for
I like to read [ri:d].
I have read [red] that book.
Some words have different spelling but the same pronunciation, for example:
I have read [red] that book.
My favourite colour is red [red]. "
Those four websites provide many things that you have not learned in your
regular English classroom.
For example, visit , click pronunciation on the
left column, then click "Word Stress. Learn where to put a stress in a
Although I learned "sentence intonation," to be honest with you, I did
not learn "word stress" at all in Indonesia.
"Word stress is your magic key to understanding spoken English. Native
speakers of English use word stress naturally. Word stress is so natural for
them that they don't even know they use it. Non-native speakers who speak
English to native speakers without using word stress, encounter two
1. They find it difficult to understand native speakers, especially those
speaking fast.
2. The native speakers may find it difficult to understand them. "
"There are many two-syllable words in English whose meaning and class change
with a change in stress.
The word present, for example is a two-syllable word. If we stress the first
syllable, it is a noun (gift) or
an adjective (opposite of absent). But if we stress the second syllable, it
becomes a verb (to offer). "
You can also find a web link to help you reduce your accent. We may think
that we speak English fluently. However, if we still have "strong" Java,
Sunda, Batak, Bali, etc accent, native speakers may not be able to
understand us properly. :-)
If we would like to improve our English, we should study not only basic English
grammar but also English style and English usage. You may think that your grammar is good. However, please understand that language is part of culture and daily life. If your grammar is good but native speakers do not use "your" English style, you may not be able to communicate seamlessly with them. Unfortunately, we do not learn proper English style in Indonesia.
One of the best books to learn English style is "The Chicago Manual of Style" published by the University of Chicago. Fortunately, this book is now available online. Please visit
"The bible of the publishing and research community is now available on your
desktop. The Chicago Manual of Style Online is completely searchable and easy to use, providing quick answers to your style and editing questions."
Other sources:
Good luck.
7 Universities and Websites Offering Free Business Entrepreneurship Courses Online
7 Universities and Websites Offering Free Business Entrepreneurship Courses Online
Approximately 10 million entrepreneurs consider starting businesses in the U.S. every year. Only 3 million of these people actually do it. You could be one of the 3 million if you take advantage of these free online courses in business entrepreneurship.
1. MIT- Sloan School of Management (
· Global Entrepreneurship Lab
· Entrepreneurial Finance
· Law for the Entrepreneur and Manager
· Developmental Entrepreneurship
· Introduction to Marketing
The Sloan School of Management provides hundreds of free business courses online, many of which would be of benefit to entrepreneurs. Course materials include video, audio, text and many other multimedia elements.
2. Carnegie Mellon (
· Entrepreneurship and Business Planning Course
· Entrepreneurship and Business Planning Course - Audio Version
Carnegie Mellon Professor Mark Juliano teaches an Entrepreneurship and Business Planning Course great for new entrepreneurs. Course materials include PowerPoint slides, a class blog and handouts in addition to lectures. Audio versions of the lectures are available for your mobile device.
3. U.S. Small Business Administration (
· Staring a Business - Series of Courses
The U.S. Small Business Administration offers a number of courses on starting small businesses. The self-paced courses take around 30 minutes to complete. You'll be prompted to submit a brief online registration before you start each course, but you may skip it by clicking the submit button located at the bottom of the form and clicking 'proceed to training course'.
4. Trump University (
· Write a Business Plan - Mini Course
· Find Start-Up Funding - Mini Course
Trump University has many courses for aspiring entrepreneurs. Only two of these courses are free, but both are well worth the time. Additional resources on this site include live training, articles and the Trump Blog.
5. Business Week (
· Fire Your Boss: Start Your Own Business
· Start-Up Basics for the First-Time Entrepreneur
· Raising Capital for Your Small Business
Business Week offers a large collection of free, instructor-led online business courses. You'll need to be a registered Business Week user in order to take advantage, but registration is free. Not every course is immediately available, but you can easily find out when the next session begins by choosing your course and then submitting your email address.
6. Kutztown University - Small Business Development Center (
· Accounting Courses
· Business Plan Workshops
· Finance Courses
· Leadership and Management Development Courses
· Small Business Tax Courses
Kutztown University's Small Business Development Center (SBDC) has one of the largest collections of free online business entrepreneurship courses. Topics range from finance and accounting to management and leadership; courses take from 30 minutes to three hours to complete.
7. My Own Business (
· How to Start Your Own Business
My Own Business, Inc., a nonprofit organization with a mission of helping new businesses succeed, offers a free Internet course consisting of 14 sessions. This course is designed for entrepreneurs wanting to learn the basics of starting up a new business, and includes supplemental materials such as a newsletter, templates, video clips and other useful items.
7 Universities and Websites Offering Free Business Entrepreneurship Courses Online
Approximately 10 million entrepreneurs consider starting businesses in the U.S. every year. Only 3 million of these people actually do it. You could be one of the 3 million if you take advantage of these free online courses in business entrepreneurship.
1. MIT- Sloan School of Management (
· Global Entrepreneurship Lab
· Entrepreneurial Finance
· Law for the Entrepreneur and Manager
· Developmental Entrepreneurship
· Introduction to Marketing
The Sloan School of Management provides hundreds of free business courses online, many of which would be of benefit to entrepreneurs. Course materials include video, audio, text and many other multimedia elements.
2. Carnegie Mellon (
· Entrepreneurship and Business Planning Course
· Entrepreneurship and Business Planning Course - Audio Version
Carnegie Mellon Professor Mark Juliano teaches an Entrepreneurship and Business Planning Course great for new entrepreneurs. Course materials include PowerPoint slides, a class blog and handouts in addition to lectures. Audio versions of the lectures are available for your mobile device.
3. U.S. Small Business Administration (
· Staring a Business - Series of Courses
The U.S. Small Business Administration offers a number of courses on starting small businesses. The self-paced courses take around 30 minutes to complete. You'll be prompted to submit a brief online registration before you start each course, but you may skip it by clicking the submit button located at the bottom of the form and clicking 'proceed to training course'.
4. Trump University (
· Write a Business Plan - Mini Course
· Find Start-Up Funding - Mini Course
Trump University has many courses for aspiring entrepreneurs. Only two of these courses are free, but both are well worth the time. Additional resources on this site include live training, articles and the Trump Blog.
5. Business Week (
· Fire Your Boss: Start Your Own Business
· Start-Up Basics for the First-Time Entrepreneur
· Raising Capital for Your Small Business
Business Week offers a large collection of free, instructor-led online business courses. You'll need to be a registered Business Week user in order to take advantage, but registration is free. Not every course is immediately available, but you can easily find out when the next session begins by choosing your course and then submitting your email address.
6. Kutztown University - Small Business Development Center (
· Accounting Courses
· Business Plan Workshops
· Finance Courses
· Leadership and Management Development Courses
· Small Business Tax Courses
Kutztown University's Small Business Development Center (SBDC) has one of the largest collections of free online business entrepreneurship courses. Topics range from finance and accounting to management and leadership; courses take from 30 minutes to three hours to complete.
7. My Own Business (
· How to Start Your Own Business
My Own Business, Inc., a nonprofit organization with a mission of helping new businesses succeed, offers a free Internet course consisting of 14 sessions. This course is designed for entrepreneurs wanting to learn the basics of starting up a new business, and includes supplemental materials such as a newsletter, templates, video clips and other useful items.
Improving English pronunciation
Please visit
Scroll down and then download Pronunciation Patterns software program from the following:
“Now you can try Pronunciation Patterns for free before you purchase Pronunciation Patterns.”
It is an excellent software program to improve your pronunciation.
You can also visit
and then search “Pronunciation” to get other software programs.
Scroll down and then download Pronunciation Patterns software program from the following:
“Now you can try Pronunciation Patterns for free before you purchase Pronunciation Patterns.”
It is an excellent software program to improve your pronunciation.
You can also visit
and then search “Pronunciation” to get other software programs.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Study in UK Chevening scholarships: Close on October 18, 2009
Study in UK
Chevening scholarships 2010/11
Applications for 2010/11 Chevening Scholarships will open 1 August 2009 and close on 18 October 2009.
Chevening Scholarships and Fellowships are highly prestigious awards funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and administered by the British Council. The programme offers outstanding graduates and young professionals, for international students who wish to study in the United Kingdom (UK) universities.
The awards are made for one year’s formal study for a postgraduate qualification or for a shorter period of not less than three months to pursue private study or research at a university or similar institution in the UK.
The scholarship includes:
* a return economy airfare to the UK from any Australian city
* all compulsory academic fees
* monthly stipend
* book allowance
* thesis allowance
Candidates should have a strong undergraduate degree (emphasis is placed on applications with First or Second Class Honours). Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of Australia.
Chevening scholarships are targeted towards a broad range of fields and disciplines. Priority is given to the following areas:
* Science and innovation
* New and renewable energy resources and energy security
* Global environmental issues
* Science policy
* Sustainable development
* Human rights
* Political science
Application Deadline: 18 October 2009
Important information for all applicants
* Applications for Chevening Scholarships for study in the 2010/11 academic year open on Saturday 1 August. The application deadline is midnight Sunday 18 October.
* Applications will ONLY be accepted via the new online application system. For further details on how to submit your application, and to complete the online application procedure, please go to
* No late applications will be accepted.
* In your application you will be asked to list contact details for two referees. Note, referees should be professional and/or academic.
* A Medical Form is only required once an award has been made.
Chevening scholarships 2010/11
Applications for 2010/11 Chevening Scholarships will open 1 August 2009 and close on 18 October 2009.
Chevening Scholarships and Fellowships are highly prestigious awards funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and administered by the British Council. The programme offers outstanding graduates and young professionals, for international students who wish to study in the United Kingdom (UK) universities.
The awards are made for one year’s formal study for a postgraduate qualification or for a shorter period of not less than three months to pursue private study or research at a university or similar institution in the UK.
The scholarship includes:
* a return economy airfare to the UK from any Australian city
* all compulsory academic fees
* monthly stipend
* book allowance
* thesis allowance
Candidates should have a strong undergraduate degree (emphasis is placed on applications with First or Second Class Honours). Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of Australia.
Chevening scholarships are targeted towards a broad range of fields and disciplines. Priority is given to the following areas:
* Science and innovation
* New and renewable energy resources and energy security
* Global environmental issues
* Science policy
* Sustainable development
* Human rights
* Political science
Application Deadline: 18 October 2009
Important information for all applicants
* Applications for Chevening Scholarships for study in the 2010/11 academic year open on Saturday 1 August. The application deadline is midnight Sunday 18 October.
* Applications will ONLY be accepted via the new online application system. For further details on how to submit your application, and to complete the online application procedure, please go to
* No late applications will be accepted.
* In your application you will be asked to list contact details for two referees. Note, referees should be professional and/or academic.
* A Medical Form is only required once an award has been made.
USA: USAID Master Degree Scholarship
Candidates from the following areas in Indonesia will be prioritized: Aceh, North Sumatera, DKI Jakarta, West Java, Yogyakarta, Central Java and East Java .
Previous affiliation of the institution with USAID whether as a beneficiary or partner program will be viewed favorably.
USAID - AED (Academy for Educational Development)
Scholarship opportunities to study in the USA for:
• Master`s Degrees in Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management.
• Master`s Degrees in Water and Sanitation.
Training has long been a key component of the U.S. government`s development program in Indonesia. USAID/ Indonesia plans to support the tradition through the Human and Institutional Capacity Development (HICD) program that will provide academic degree training. The HICD program is structured in a way that will help individuals acquire the knowledge, skills, and the capacity to support Indonesia`s development and the achievement of the Government of Indonesia/USAID` s objectives.
USAID has awarded a contract to the Academy for Educational Development (AED), a U.S. non-government organization (NGO) to support the implementation of the HICD program in Indonesia. AED is now inviting Indonesian citizens to study for Master`s Degrees in the USA in
1) Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management and
2) Water and Sanitation.
1. Master`s Degrees in Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management.
Eligible candidates may come from the Ministry of Forestry, Environment, Development Planning, Research and Development, Finance, Economy or other related government institutions including provincial and district level offices and regulators; civil society groups (Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management Associations, NGOs and Foundations) ; or professionals in fields related to sustainable development with international or local organizations who have strong potential for leadership, research, education, journalism and consultancy in the same field.
Candidates with experience working in geographical areas with high biodiversity conservation value will be prioritized. An indicative list would include Kalimantan, Sumatera, Papua, Sulawesi and NTT.
Every attempt will be made to balance candidate selection by gender.
2. Master`s Degrees in Water and Sanitation.
Eligible candidates may come from related government Institutions, civil society groups (Water and Sanitation Associations, NGOs, and Foundations), water and sanitation professionals/ environmental engineers working in the development sector with international or local organizations, and faculty from schools of Water and Sanitation/Environm ental Engineering at accredited Indonesian universities.
Candidates from the following areas in Indonesia will be prioritized: Aceh, North Sumatera, DKI Jakarta, West Java, Yogyakarta, Central Java and East Java .
Previous affiliation of the institution with USAID whether as a beneficiary or partner program will be viewed favorably.
Every attempt will be made to balance candidate selection by gender.
Interested applicants, may request application forms at or download them at
Completed application forms must be returned to the AED office at the address below by November 15 at the latest:
Academy for Educational Development
Wisma Nugra Santana, 16th Floor, Suite 1616,
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 7-8, Jakarta 10220.
Previous affiliation of the institution with USAID whether as a beneficiary or partner program will be viewed favorably.
USAID - AED (Academy for Educational Development)
Scholarship opportunities to study in the USA for:
• Master`s Degrees in Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management.
• Master`s Degrees in Water and Sanitation.
Training has long been a key component of the U.S. government`s development program in Indonesia. USAID/ Indonesia plans to support the tradition through the Human and Institutional Capacity Development (HICD) program that will provide academic degree training. The HICD program is structured in a way that will help individuals acquire the knowledge, skills, and the capacity to support Indonesia`s development and the achievement of the Government of Indonesia/USAID` s objectives.
USAID has awarded a contract to the Academy for Educational Development (AED), a U.S. non-government organization (NGO) to support the implementation of the HICD program in Indonesia. AED is now inviting Indonesian citizens to study for Master`s Degrees in the USA in
1) Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management and
2) Water and Sanitation.
1. Master`s Degrees in Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management.
Eligible candidates may come from the Ministry of Forestry, Environment, Development Planning, Research and Development, Finance, Economy or other related government institutions including provincial and district level offices and regulators; civil society groups (Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management Associations, NGOs and Foundations) ; or professionals in fields related to sustainable development with international or local organizations who have strong potential for leadership, research, education, journalism and consultancy in the same field.
Candidates with experience working in geographical areas with high biodiversity conservation value will be prioritized. An indicative list would include Kalimantan, Sumatera, Papua, Sulawesi and NTT.
Every attempt will be made to balance candidate selection by gender.
2. Master`s Degrees in Water and Sanitation.
Eligible candidates may come from related government Institutions, civil society groups (Water and Sanitation Associations, NGOs, and Foundations), water and sanitation professionals/ environmental engineers working in the development sector with international or local organizations, and faculty from schools of Water and Sanitation/Environm ental Engineering at accredited Indonesian universities.
Candidates from the following areas in Indonesia will be prioritized: Aceh, North Sumatera, DKI Jakarta, West Java, Yogyakarta, Central Java and East Java .
Previous affiliation of the institution with USAID whether as a beneficiary or partner program will be viewed favorably.
Every attempt will be made to balance candidate selection by gender.
Interested applicants, may request application forms at or download them at
Completed application forms must be returned to the AED office at the address below by November 15 at the latest:
Academy for Educational Development
Wisma Nugra Santana, 16th Floor, Suite 1616,
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 7-8, Jakarta 10220.
PhD Fellowship in Systems Biology of Human Metabolism, Univ. of Iceland
PhD Fellowship in systems biology of human metabolism
The Center of Systems Biology, University of Iceland is looking to recruit a highly motivated PhD students to join a growing effort focusing on systems biology of human metabolism. The research at the CSB UoI focuses on 1) human metabolism and 2) industrial biotechnology. The Center is an interdisciplinary center with the Schools of Medicine, Engineering and Natural Sciences participating.
The CSB UoI aims to characterize human disease using a systems biology approach. This research effort includes on 1) expanding the currently available human metabolic reconstruction, 2) discovery of new functions and pathways in human metabolism using computational and experimental techniques, 3) phenotyping of human cell lines using metabolomic techniques, 4) computational and experimental analysis of metabolic changes associated with disease, and 5) high-throughput drug screening. We use the state-of-the-art computational methods to guide and design human cell culturing experiments as well as metabolomic measurements. These technologies are embedded in a biologically driven research program that aims at systematic understanding of human metabolism, disease manifestation and drug target identification.
Job description:
* Expansion and refinement of the human metabolic reconstruction.
* Identification of missing metabolic genes using bioinformatics and modeling tools (gap filling)
* Development of cell type specific metabolic models from experimental data and the human metabolic reconstruction.
* Databases and literature mining for genomic information.
* Computational modeling of human metabolism in health and disease.
The project will thus include key technologies used in computational systems biology and bioinformatics.
Your qualifications:
* Master´s degree (or equivalent) in Bioinformatics, (Molecular) Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology or Medicine.
* Strong interest in human biology and computational modeling.
* Basic skills/ experience in programming and statistical data analysis.
* Communication skills and team orientated work.
Our Offer:
* Working in a scientifically stimulating, innovative, dynamic, well- equipped, and international surrounding.
* In-depth training in cutting edge technologies used in systems biology.
* Numerous training opportunities in (molecular) biology, systems biology and bioinformatics.
* Initial short-term employment contract for three years.
The position is available immediately. Please send a cover letter, a brief description of research experience and interests, a curriculum vitae and contact information for three references in pdf file form to Professor Ines Thiele ( ).
All applications will be answered and applicants will be informed about the appointment when a decision has been made. Salary for the positions will be according to collective wage and salary agreement.
Appointments to the University of Iceland do take into account the Equal Rights Project of the University of Iceland.
website link:
The Center of Systems Biology, University of Iceland is looking to recruit a highly motivated PhD students to join a growing effort focusing on systems biology of human metabolism. The research at the CSB UoI focuses on 1) human metabolism and 2) industrial biotechnology. The Center is an interdisciplinary center with the Schools of Medicine, Engineering and Natural Sciences participating.
The CSB UoI aims to characterize human disease using a systems biology approach. This research effort includes on 1) expanding the currently available human metabolic reconstruction, 2) discovery of new functions and pathways in human metabolism using computational and experimental techniques, 3) phenotyping of human cell lines using metabolomic techniques, 4) computational and experimental analysis of metabolic changes associated with disease, and 5) high-throughput drug screening. We use the state-of-the-art computational methods to guide and design human cell culturing experiments as well as metabolomic measurements. These technologies are embedded in a biologically driven research program that aims at systematic understanding of human metabolism, disease manifestation and drug target identification.
Job description:
* Expansion and refinement of the human metabolic reconstruction.
* Identification of missing metabolic genes using bioinformatics and modeling tools (gap filling)
* Development of cell type specific metabolic models from experimental data and the human metabolic reconstruction.
* Databases and literature mining for genomic information.
* Computational modeling of human metabolism in health and disease.
The project will thus include key technologies used in computational systems biology and bioinformatics.
Your qualifications:
* Master´s degree (or equivalent) in Bioinformatics, (Molecular) Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology or Medicine.
* Strong interest in human biology and computational modeling.
* Basic skills/ experience in programming and statistical data analysis.
* Communication skills and team orientated work.
Our Offer:
* Working in a scientifically stimulating, innovative, dynamic, well- equipped, and international surrounding.
* In-depth training in cutting edge technologies used in systems biology.
* Numerous training opportunities in (molecular) biology, systems biology and bioinformatics.
* Initial short-term employment contract for three years.
The position is available immediately. Please send a cover letter, a brief description of research experience and interests, a curriculum vitae and contact information for three references in pdf file form to Professor Ines Thiele ( ).
All applications will be answered and applicants will be informed about the appointment when a decision has been made. Salary for the positions will be according to collective wage and salary agreement.
Appointments to the University of Iceland do take into account the Equal Rights Project of the University of Iceland.
website link:
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) for MBA
I used to have more than 10 GMAT books and took GMAT several times.
Therefore, I know GMAT very well.
The best GMAT book for practice:
The Official Guide for GMAT Review, 12th Edition by Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) (Paperback - Mar 23, 2009)
The best GMAT book for test strategy:
Cracking the GMAT with DVD, 2010 Edition (Graduate School Test Preparation) by Princeton Review (Paperback - Jun 9, 2009).
Although we have an excellent Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score or good English skills, we must improve our English skills including increasing our vocabulary by at least 30 new words everyday to prepare for GMAT. My GMAT score went up significantly after I increased my vocabulary by reading the Wall Street Journal everyday for 2 months before taking GMAT.
Read business oriented on-line publications such as Wall Street Journal, Business Week magazine, Fortune magazine, Forbes magazine, etc.
You will increase not only your vocabulary but also your business knowledge.
Good luck.
Therefore, I know GMAT very well.
The best GMAT book for practice:
The Official Guide for GMAT Review, 12th Edition by Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) (Paperback - Mar 23, 2009)
The best GMAT book for test strategy:
Cracking the GMAT with DVD, 2010 Edition (Graduate School Test Preparation) by Princeton Review (Paperback - Jun 9, 2009).
Although we have an excellent Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score or good English skills, we must improve our English skills including increasing our vocabulary by at least 30 new words everyday to prepare for GMAT. My GMAT score went up significantly after I increased my vocabulary by reading the Wall Street Journal everyday for 2 months before taking GMAT.
Read business oriented on-line publications such as Wall Street Journal, Business Week magazine, Fortune magazine, Forbes magazine, etc.
You will increase not only your vocabulary but also your business knowledge.
Good luck.
Japan-IMF Scholarship Program for Asia (JISPA)
Application deadline
Partnership track: December 10, 2009 for the 2010-11 academic year.
Eligibility requirements
Target countries: Under current program guidelines, candidates must be a national of one of the following countries:
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao P.D.R., Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pacific Island Countries, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.
Work: Candidates should also currently work for one of the following or related agencies:
central bank, ministry of economy, ministry of finance, ministry of planning/development, ministry of trade/commerce, tax administration, or national statistics bureau. The program will also consider officials working in other areas of government that have a significant impact on the formulation or implementation of macroeconomic policy.
Education background: Candidates must have a Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent with at least 16 years of formal education. Names of schools and attending dates beginning from primary school must be listed in the application. In some cases, 15 years of formal education may be accepted if there is an official explanation (a country’s particular educational system or other exceptional circumstances).
English proficiency: Applicants must have an English language proficiency, which needs to be demonstrated as equivalent to or more than an official TOEFL score of 550, CBT213, or iBT79-80. If TOEFL scores are not available, then an overall IELTS score of at least 6.0 can be substituted.
Application procedures
1. Completed application form: The applicant for the partnership track is requested to apply through the online application system. (The on-line application will be made available by the mid-October, 2009.) The blank application form Blank application form: PDF Version can be reviewed for reference only.
2. Official transcripts and official copies of diplomas or degree certificates from all undergraduate and graduate schools: An official copy means a certified copy of the original document with an official seal obtained from the administration office of the university attended. Copies attested by organizations/persons not having notarized/legal bearing will not be accepted.
3. Two reference letters: References should be from applicants’ supervisor at work and/or an academic advisor or professor.
4. TOEFL/IELTS certificate (if available): The TOEFL/IELTS test score must be from an examination taken after December 10, 2007. If a score is unavailable, the applicant will be requested to sit for a TOEFL/IELTS examination prior to receiving a final decision on the scholarship award.
All submitted application material must be presented in English or be accompanied by an official English translation. The material will be considered under the control of the IMF and provided to the relevant school(s) and the Government of Japan as it sees appropriate. None of the material will be returned to applicants.
Partnership track: December 10, 2009 for the 2010-11 academic year.
Eligibility requirements
Target countries: Under current program guidelines, candidates must be a national of one of the following countries:
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao P.D.R., Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pacific Island Countries, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.
Work: Candidates should also currently work for one of the following or related agencies:
central bank, ministry of economy, ministry of finance, ministry of planning/development, ministry of trade/commerce, tax administration, or national statistics bureau. The program will also consider officials working in other areas of government that have a significant impact on the formulation or implementation of macroeconomic policy.
Education background: Candidates must have a Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent with at least 16 years of formal education. Names of schools and attending dates beginning from primary school must be listed in the application. In some cases, 15 years of formal education may be accepted if there is an official explanation (a country’s particular educational system or other exceptional circumstances).
English proficiency: Applicants must have an English language proficiency, which needs to be demonstrated as equivalent to or more than an official TOEFL score of 550, CBT213, or iBT79-80. If TOEFL scores are not available, then an overall IELTS score of at least 6.0 can be substituted.
Application procedures
1. Completed application form: The applicant for the partnership track is requested to apply through the online application system. (The on-line application will be made available by the mid-October, 2009.) The blank application form Blank application form: PDF Version can be reviewed for reference only.
2. Official transcripts and official copies of diplomas or degree certificates from all undergraduate and graduate schools: An official copy means a certified copy of the original document with an official seal obtained from the administration office of the university attended. Copies attested by organizations/persons not having notarized/legal bearing will not be accepted.
3. Two reference letters: References should be from applicants’ supervisor at work and/or an academic advisor or professor.
4. TOEFL/IELTS certificate (if available): The TOEFL/IELTS test score must be from an examination taken after December 10, 2007. If a score is unavailable, the applicant will be requested to sit for a TOEFL/IELTS examination prior to receiving a final decision on the scholarship award.
All submitted application material must be presented in English or be accompanied by an official English translation. The material will be considered under the control of the IMF and provided to the relevant school(s) and the Government of Japan as it sees appropriate. None of the material will be returned to applicants.
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